
The Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep) launched today (26), in the capital of São Paulo, a program to provide R$ 50 million with the objective of leveraging startups – initial business idea that may generate profit – in the country. 50 startups will be selected and each will receive up to R$ 1 million in resources. The announcement will be published tomorrow (27) in the Official Gazette.
According to Marcos Cintra Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, President of Finep, the project could reach, in the future, up to R$ 500 million. “We are launching a first phase to test the model, but it already has a reasonable volume. Normally, startup support programs give much smaller financial support, R$ 50 thousand, R$ 100 thousand, R$ 200”.
The launch event was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications, Gilberto Kassab. “I know the subject in depth and my presence here means the very strong support of the government. This is one of Finep's main purposes, supporting projects like these. It is unquestionable that it will be successful. More resources will be provided soon.”
In addition to the minister, potential entrepreneurs attended the meeting. For Cintra, the receptivity was very positive. “The project responds to a need in the market. Companies that are in this stage of life, which is called the valley of death, in which they have already developed the scientific basis of their project, but have difficulty reaching the market, end up dying. This project is well received because it serves companies precisely in this phase”.
To participate, the startup must have the project developed, with a prototype. Other requirements are at least six months of CNPJ, gross revenue of up to R$ 3.6 million and bringing innovative technology. Startups must be related to topics such as education, sustainable cities, electronic games, energy, biotechnology, chemistry, underwater technologies for oil and advanced manufacturing.
Interested parties can register from tomorrow (27th) until August 7th through the website In a first round, 25 startups will be selected. The contract will be for the purchase of shares and transforms Finep into a potential shareholder of the company. Finep may choose to become a partner or not within a total period of up to three years, which may be extended for another two years.
So that startups do not become dependent on public resources, the project will prioritize companies contributed by angel investors, who will receive part of the excess return from Finep, with the aim of increasing the engagement of private investors.

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