
New approach is aimed at companies that aim to generate more business opportunities

FCamara, a technology and innovation ecosystem that transforms the adoption of digital journeys into value for business, announced its new “Innovation Transformation Journey”. The focus is on companies with different levels of maturity in innovation that seek to increase competitiveness, whether through modernizing operations, exploring new markets, creating products, services or business models. 

The Brazil Digital Transformation Index (ITDBr) survey by Fundação Dom Cabral and PwC, published in 2023, presented an overview of the main challenges facing Brazilian institutions in the innovation process. The first, pointed out by 55% of the interviewees, is the lack of structure and culture, followed by the lack of experience in digital projects, with 28%. The third is the lack of vision of a business model, indicated by 21% of the respondents. While, 20% are risk averse. 

With this, Romulo Perini, leader of the innovation front of the FCamara ecosystem, partner and CEO of Play Studio, a group company, explains that the “Innovation Transformation Journey” is based on three pillars: Strategy, Execution and Innovation Levers. The first part is the moment to draw up a precise diagnosis of the entire operation, including challenges, market, investment allocation and all opportunities that can be taken advantage of with innovation. It is at this time that the technological trends that will best solve the company's problems are also evaluated. 

In the second phase, the implementation of the outlined strategy begins, which already includes making the project viable with testing and releasing the MVP. This stage involves the process of scaling innovation and monitoring adherence and results, also enabling learning. “Whatever the company’s objective (from operational improvement to the creation of new business models), attention to this stage is crucial to the success of the proposed modernization and definition of the next steps”, he points out.  

As the objective of this journey is to ensure that innovation continues in the companies' DNA, in the third phase FCamara supports the development of innovation governance and infrastructure, with rules, KPIs, training and agile methodologies. All tailor-made to foster management and organizational culture centered on innovation.  

“This approach can be used to resolve strategic or operational problems, depending on the needs of each organization,” says Perini. “However, the most important thing is that through the journey we contribute to companies developing an environment conducive to innovation and continuous learning, to adapt to changes and promote constant business evolution.”

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