The Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) and IBM Brasil signed a cooperation agreement to share investments of up to US$ 500 thousand, over 10 years, to be used in scientific and technological research projects in the area of cognitive computing in universities and research institutes. A committee formed by representatives of Fapesp and the IBM Brasil Research Laboratory will conduct the evaluation and selection of projects presented in response to Calls for Proposals to be released periodically.
Each Call will focus on specific topics in the area of cognitive computing, such as theory and applications of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, common sense planning and reasoning, and big data analysis, among others. Researchers from higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo may participate in the Calls. More details on the presentation of projects will be disclosed in a public notice to be released later.
Cognitive computing is considered the Third Computing Age, as its systems approach the human way of thinking, interacting and learning, extracting knowledge from unstructured data originating from different sources in text, image and video formats. With cognitive computing it is possible to extract knowledge from a vast volume of data that can contribute to the solution of complex problems facing humanity, such as the depletion of environmental resources, the prevention and control of diseases, in addition to poverty. IBM's cognitive computing platform, Watson, has been leading the commercial-scale experiments of this technology with several companies around the world.
“The partnership to select research proposals to be co-funded by IBM and Fapesp opens up great possibilities for the scientific community of São Paulo to interact with researchers from one of the most advanced companies in science and technology in the area of cognitive systems. IBM's Research Laboratory in São Paulo will contribute to increasing the scope of research on this technology in the state”, says Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, scientific director of Fapesp.
For Ulisses Mello, director of the IBM Brazil Research Laboratory, the agreement with FAPESP consolidates the multinational's mission of encouraging and promoting the development of science and technology in the country, where the company installed its local research center five years ago. “We want to develop an environment of innovation in cognitive computing in Brazil due to the relevance and impact of the subject on society, so much so that the selected projects will be free from any commitment to intellectual property with IBM”, he says.

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