
The VUCA world is characterized by volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity. Rapid changes and unpredictability mark the 21st century, with more unexpected changes brought about by the pandemic.

To bring different perspectives on this world, marked by digital transformation, the organization of ABES Conference 2020, an event promoted in partnership with The Shift, invited Jon Reily, Global Chief Strategy Officer of Dentsu Commerce, to be one of the experts of the day's programming 9/30.

Reily recalled that one of the rules of life is change. "Those who are too committed to the past and the present are certainly affecting their future." The companies that will compete in this scenario with the best chances of survival are those that really manage to transform themselves into agile companies. This requires a change in the way of seeing, thinking and doing.

“The time we are living in is very similar to the time of the industrial revolution or the time of the colonization of the New World. Everything is a constant learning for transformation. When considering the next decade - 2020 - we will have 8.5 billion people in the world, we will consume 50% more food and 40% more energy. Expectations in trade will be high. And you can be sure that climate change will impact the way we deliver services to consumers. ”

“To say that life is going to change would be an understatement. What we are experiencing today, would be seen as magic from the perspective of the past ”, pondered the executive.

Create convenience

The digital transformation helps to create ease, agility and convenience, for those who consume and for those who produce.

According to market data, about 30% of trips to supermarkets take place on the way back from work, the movement in physical stores during Black Friday increases by 68% and that many people who escape traffic stop at gyms, restaurants or cafes , before going home. These data, when quantified and interpreted, generate relevant opportunities for brand managers, opening up new possibilities of communication with consumers when making decisions.

The Waze app, created to relieve traffic, using artificial intelligence technology, goes hand in hand with its users, enabling them to have a new experience every moment.

“What can Waze do to improve your driving experience? This is a constant question within the company, because our focus is to circumvent traffic and the strength of our organization is in believing in our collaborating partners to improve the journey of our users every day, wherever they are ”, reports Hila Roth, Global Waze Community Manager, another guest at the conference.

A survey conducted by Waze, reveals that 71% of Brazilian wazers go to shopping malls by car. In this way, the application is in contact with people in a context where they need to make purchases, which opens up an opportunity for effective brand communication.

“In order for Waze to keep its information up-to-date, we have collaborating partners in several countries that report road changes, legislation and translate this data in real time into the local language. Today, one of the differentials of the brand is to offer low cost solutions, allowing access to the user in areas where there is no internet. Clarity in all dimensions is the key to honesty and to an effective result. We really listened to the participants in our communities, ”said Hila Roth.

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