To mark the launch of QPainel Kids & Teen, in June of this year, the research institute QualiBest carried out a study with children aged 8 to 12 years old from classes A, B and C. The survey addressed habits related to the themes Technology, Television , Money, Environment and Food.

In technology, all interviewed children have at least one electronic item, either for exclusive or shared use. While computers and laptops are still items shared with other people in the house (67% and 46%, respectively), cell phones have already become individual items (57%).

The survey also pointed out that 68% of children have a video game, but most still do not have a tablet (78%), smartphone (64%) and MP4 player (63%). Among the boys interviewed, 84% own video games, a percentage that drops to 53% among girls. On the other hand, girls are the majority in the audience that has MP4 players (43%), against only 31% among the male respondents.

Despite the high presence of video games in children's lives, 92% said they also play on the Internet. And the main difference between the genres is in the theme of the games. The female preference is for cooking games, memory, dressing and changing clothes, makeup and manicure, little farm and pets. For boys, the most mentioned online amusements have themes related to racing, fighting, action and adventure, football, shooting and chasing, terror and spaceship.

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