Dell has just published the second edition of the study Global Technology Adoption Index 2015 (GTAI 2015), aimed at mapping the impact of the use of technology on the results of medium and large companies in 11 countries, including Brazil. Among key findings, the survey shows that organizations that actively invest in mobility, cloud computing and big data are experiencing revenue growth rates up to 53% higher than those that do not invest in these technologies.
The study, conducted by TNS Research at the request of Dell, also identifies that, although many IT decision makers identify the direct relationship between technology use and increased revenue, cost is cited as the main barrier to implementing or expanding projects that involve these technological trends.
“This study reinforces the perception that technology today represents a decisive factor for the success of organizations, directly impacting revenues and helping them to prosper and be more productive”, says João Bortone, Director of Business Solutions at Dell Latin America. “By demonstrating a direct correlation between the use of new technologies and business results, this survey can be an excellent ally for CIOs and IT decision makers in general”, he adds.
Among the three main benefits cited by the use of technologies are:
39% – More Efficiency
21% – Improvement of Business Processes
21% - Paper Reduction
Cloud (Benefits)
42% – Cost Reduction
40% – Get Tasks Done Faster
38% – Better Allocation of IT Resources
big data
41% – Better Address Marketing Efforts
37% - Advertising Spend Optimization
37% - Marketing Optimization in Social Networks
The impact of security on the business
Still according to GTAI 2015, companies have recognized the importance of information security and are making more strategic investments in this area. On average, 54% of the companies that responded to the study say they use their current IT budgets to implement security plans, rather than just acting reactively against threats.
The survey also shows that the larger the company, the more concerned it is with information security. In this sense, the study reveals that among organizations that spend less than US$ 10 thousand a year on IT, about one in five do not have any information security policy or rules.

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