
The month of January is marked by many promises and changes, including professional ones. For those planning a career transition or seeking an upgrade position, some trends for the job market are already emerging.

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According to Debora Herdeiro, HR Manager at Luandre, one of the largest consultancies in the country, areas such as technology, logistics, retail, engineering and marketing continue to be highlighted in 2024. She adds that after a brief break, traditional during the festive period, The estimate is that in the second half of January hiring will continue to be strong and, for some sectors, at an accelerated pace. “It’s also a good opportunity for those looking for their first job or a new job,” he explains.

Check out the list of 10 professions in demand for next year below:

1. Data engineer

It is responsible for creating, storing, and managing a company's database. It is necessary to have a good programming base, programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, big data and especially SQL (Structured Query Language).

2. Information security analyst

 It is responsible for reviewing and analyzing a company's technological systems and creating solutions to eliminate or reduce the risks of data leakage. The requirements are to have a bachelor's degree in computer science and have training in technical support. Must have in-depth knowledge of the latest IT security threats and protection tools.

3. Data Manager

Professional who identifies, alerts, diagnoses and resolves failures in the database system or digital infrastructure. It also makes changes to the database design.

4. Customs Broker

It is the intermediary in Foreign Trade who can represent the importer, exporter or other function related to the dispatch of goods. You must have a clean record with the police authorities, be Brazilian, be over 18 years old and have at least completed high school. Although there is no specific course to become a customs broker, it is recommended to pursue a degree in foreign trade, logistics, administration or law.

5. Logistics Director

Promotes, plans and controls the flow and storage of a company's inputs and raw materials and guarantees resources to carry out all its activities. Requirements include logical reasoning, strategic and systemic vision, interpersonal communication skills, proactive development and critical sense. Being a graduate and specialized in the area, with a postgraduate degree or MBA and proficiency in another language, mainly English, are mandatory requirements.

6. Logistics Assistant

Responsible for the operation, has the input function for the logistics segment. Despite valuing behavioral issues, such as organization, sense of responsibility and proactivity, many companies do not require previous experience, which can be a great opportunity for a first job.

7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Analyst

Responsible for the strategy, management and execution of marketing activities, with the objective of ranking a website well in Google's organic search, for certain keywords. Must have expertise in Google Analytics, paid advertising and familiarity with research and keyword management tools.

8. Market Intelligence Manager

Manages and structures the collection of data on competition, consumer trends, public behavior and market scenarios, aiming to define policies and processes and supports the marketing, communication and sales departments. Knowledge of national and international markets, imports and exports, as well as higher education in economics, administration, marketing, statistics or related areas is desirable.

9. Civil Engineer

Professional who plans, designs, executes and manages infrastructure and enterprise works. It is necessary to have a degree in civil engineering and knowledge of technical tools such as Excel, AutoCAD and SketchuP.

10. ESG Area

The professional highlights that the ESG area has grown as a whole, which is why positions vary from assistants, managers to heads and directors. They oversee environmental, social and governance strategies and practices, promoting sustainability, equity and compliance in corporate operations. It is important that the professional has completed higher education and environmental courses. Other characteristics are: systemic vision, emotional intelligence, innovation and focus on diversity.

About Luandre

Luandre Soluções em Recursos Humanos has been operating for over 50 years and offers technical and innovative solutions in the HR area. In 2020, the company reached the mark of 4 thousand customers served, 60 thousand professionals managed throughout the year and a bank with more than 3.8 million resumes registered. For 20 consecutive years, it has competed for the Top Of Mind RH award, which has already won ten editions, in the “Temporary and Permanent” category, being the current winner.

In 2022, it was recognized as “Best Work Places”, and one of the best Suppliers for HR. With solutions in Recruitment and Selection, Temporary Work and Personnel Administration (Temporary and CLT), it is a reference consultancy in the segment.

Currently, it has 12 units: São Paulo (Centro, Sul, Alphaville, Santo André, Guarulhos, Campinas and Jundiaí), Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Paraná (Curitiba), Pernambuco (Recife), Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte) and Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre), with structure and service capacity throughout Brazil.

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