
Manifesto highlights transformations in the Digital Economy Era


The labor reform proposed by the federal government reached the Senate on May 2, registered as Bill of the House (PLC) 38/2017, which will initially be dispatched to the Economic Affairs (CAE) and Social Affairs (CAS) committees. ).
IT entities have already started their mobilization for project approval. ABES, Assespro, Brasscom, Fenainfo, Acate – SC and Seinesp signed the manifesto sent to the senators, which bears the title IN DEFENSE OF THE APPROVAL OF THE LABOR REFORM FOR THE INCLUSION OF WORKERS IN THE DIGITAL ERA”.
Francisco Camargo, president of ABES, calls on the association's associates and the entire ICT sector to also mobilize in defense of the reform. “It is important that we communicate our position. Brazil needs legal certainty and the reform is another step in that direction”.
The document highlights the emergence of a new worker with the Digital Economy Era, aimed at achieving goals and not fulfilling repetitive routines in fixed environments. “The new professional does not see differentiated working hours as a problem, but also wants flexibility and balance between profession and personal life”.
According to the manifesto, the proposed changes guarantee healthy contractual relationships and serve the interests of professionals of the future. “Brazil's competitiveness depends on reducing the burden on work and on modernizing measures that are transformational to include the role of this knowledge worker in our CLT”.
Among the deliberations defended by the IT entities are: the strengthening of collective agreements and conventions; recognition of workers' negotiating autonomy; regulation of remote work; legal security of the home office; intermittent-term employment contracts; and legal certainty for the parties involved for full and definitive discharge of the rights of the employment relationship.


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