Publication asks for the maintenance of the tax rate of 4.5% on revenue
ABES, Assespro, Brasscom, Fenainfo, TI Rio, Seinflo, Sepij, Seprorgs, Seprosc, Seprosp, Sindesei, Sinepd, SindTI, TI PE, Acate – SC, Assespro, Abep and Sindpd, entities that represent the IT sector, signed a booklet, aimed at parliamentarians of the National Congress, asking for the maintenance of the rate of 4.5% on revenue for the IT sector and pointing out the main reasons for the sector's permanence in the regime of payment of the Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue - CPRB.
Francisco Camargo, president of ABES, highlights that the tax rate of 4.5% on revenue stimulated the hiring of professionals by the CLT, further formalizing the sector and avoiding predatory competition from non-formalized companies, in addition to making software exports and services, which went from US$ 500 million in 2011 to US$ 2 billion in 2016. “The collection did not decrease, as a possible reduction in the INSS collection was offset by the higher payment of income tax by individuals and the collection of the FGTS. For the IT sector, it has never been an exemption, much less a subsidy”, argues Camargo. With the maintenance of the Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue, the sector will be able to generate 21 thousand new jobs by 2019. Access the booklet.
The booklet also points out the risks that MP 774/2017, which raises the rate for 20%, represents: of the 596 thousand jobs in the sector, 83 thousand could be extinguished. In addition to unemployment, the sector, which earns 2.3 times the national average, will see zero growth in the compensation of IT workers; 5.2% per year of decline in the average growth of the IT sector; 2% to the year of falling tax collection growth in the sector and will serve as a stimulus to informality in labor relations.
Another important argument of the entities of the ICT sector, in order for their request to be fulfilled, is the strategic relevance of the sector for the development of the country's infrastructure and for the growth of all economic activities. Maintaining the Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue preserves the sector's growth potential at 7.2% per year, while the Payroll Contribution would penalize the innovation generated in the country and tax the workforce. The companies believe that R$ 1.2 billion will no longer be collected with this measure and will impact about 1.8 million people.