Young entrepreneurs Gustavo Lemos de Almeida (31 years old), Cristiano Paranhos (31) and Victor Gollnick (29), founders of the mining company IDXP, are taking the company to Silicon Valley, an industrial hub in California (USA), where concentrate the largest initiatives in the world in the field of IT. The technology devised by them in 2010, which reached worldwide projection, allows anonymous monitoring of the consumption habits of customers of retail chains. Tracking is done through smart tags and sensors attached to shopping carts and shopping baskets. The data is sent by a radio system installed in the stores.
“Our system works like that of a GPS and accompanies the customer from the moment he takes a cart to shop, monitoring the route, the average time stopped in front of the gondolas and the main steps inside the store, until he arrives at the supermarket checkout, ”explains Gustavo Lemos de Almeida, CEO of IDXP.

In January, the project won first place by popular vote and second, by the jury, in the world stage of IBM Global Entrepreneur of the Year, held in Silicon Valley.

After the event, entrepreneurs spent two weeks in the United States introducing innovative technology to local companies. "We realized that we are as competent as entrepreneurs in other countries and that we must think about our business in a macro way", he points out. The intention is to develop the product and market it on a large scale. That is why young entrepreneurs are setting up their California office, where they are expected to employ 20 people.

IDXP was born incubated by Fumsoft, an institution that fosters business in the IT sector, and received funds in the amount of R$ 120 thousand from the Federal Government's First Innovative Program (Prime). With the support of Sebrae, the company participated in exchanges, training, seminars and missions with other IT companies, always with the objective of developing and improving its business. She is one of ten incubated by Fumsoft that have achieved national recognition.

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