
Andrei Gutierrez, Alberto Almeida, Jean Castro, Francisco Camargo, Leonardo Barreto and Jorge Sukarie

The direction of the country with the definition of the 2018 presidential election is, without a doubt, one of the most present and relevant issues at the moment, after the confirmation of the second round played by Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) and Fernando Haddad (PT).
Therefore, the second edition of ABES DIGITAL COFFEE, held on October 16, 2018, at the Hotel Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera, debated the current electoral scenario and what the software sector can expect from 2019 onwards, with the participation of three specialists and researchers.
 Leonardo Barreto, Jean Castro and Alberto Almeida
Alberto Almeida, political scientist, author of the book “O Voto do Brasileiro” and director of Instituto BRASILIS, believes that analysts in general underestimated the Bolsonaro phenomenon and that it embodied the main desire of Brazilian voters to suppress both the Executive and the Legislative, “medallion” politicians and those involved in corruption allegations – an anti-system vote. However, he stressed that whoever the future president is, he will have to deal with the absence of leadership in Congress, as there are many new people and leaders who have not been re-elected; party fragmentation, as representatives of 21 parties were only elected in the Senate; and with the learning cost, referring to the time that new parliamentarians will take to understand the processes and functioning of the Legislative.         
Leonardo Barreto, Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a specialization in electoral behavior and government institutions, endorsed Almeida's analysis and explained that the results at the polls, in case the victory of Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) is confirmed , represents a “society's self-defence” against the political crisis, but there are still doubts as to how a possible government will be, as three nuclei of influence gravitate around the leader in polls: the family member, represented by the children; that of Paulo Guedes and economic team; and the military. that help design your program. 
In his presentation, Jean Castro, founding partner of Vector Government Relations, highlighted that the future occupant of the President of the Republic will not be able to neglect actions for social inclusion and that voters have broken with the old way of doing politics. However, he recalled the importance of the new government carrying out, even in the first half of 2019, measures to reduce the fiscal deficit and reforms, especially the Social Security, with the support of the National Congress.

Jean Castro, Leonardo Barreto and Alberto Almeida

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