
The publication "Inside a hacker's diary" presents data on insecurity
The American security company Trustwave created the free e-book "Inside a hacker's diary", which has a Portuguese version, with the aim of showing how hackers organize themselves, select their victims, create or buy tools cyber attack, recruit criminal manpower, guard the proceeds of crime, and protect your information from police investigations and the greed of other criminals. 
According to the publication, 48% of large companies have suffered at least 25 social engineering attacks in recent years. No less than 76% of young company employees ignore IT security policies. Among the victims of security incidents, 30% reported having lost around U$ 100 thousand.
Among the passwords used worldwide, 32.8% are on the list of the 100 most banal worldwide. On the other hand, 16.7% of the passwords used by citizens are on the list of most commonly used dog names for this purpose. In enterprises, 42% of enterprise IT employees share their password with third parties, while 48% of users do not change their password every 90 days.
Half (50%) of targeted attacks start from information collected on the web, and 48% of these attacks are triggered via email. Another alarming fact is that 76% of security incidents are caused by third-party support, development or maintenance companies. In turn, no less than 88% of the malware used in targeted attacks is ignored by normal antiviruses.
The e-book can be accessed at:

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