Drayson Technologies, a London company of environmentally sustainable technologies, announced plans to build the world's first detailed map of air pollution for urban London. To achieve this goal, partnerships were signed with the English companies Gophr and Inmarsat. Gophr will equip 50 of its cyclist messengers with CleanSpace Tags - portable air pollution sensors created by Drayson Technologies that are powered by its Freevolt technology. Couriers will also be equipped with LoRa trackers from Inmarsat, a provider of global mobile satellite communications services, allowing accurate data to be collected in motion and in real time, at the time of breath, without using any location-based mobile systems. Systems) with high battery consumption.
“The CleanSpace network aims to provide the most advanced air pollution map in the world, using thousands of personal sensors powered by Freevolt. This partnership brings together the experience and combined commitment of Drayson Technologies, Gophr and Inmarsat, so that Londoners can 'see' the air they breathe and help create not just a smart city - but a smarter society, ”commented Lord Paul Drayson , President and CEO of Drayson Technologies.
During the messengers' journey, the carbon monoxide data collected by CleanSpace Tags will be integrated into the Air Map, an interactive map that will show in real time the levels of pollution at each location. With a total distance forecast of 17 thousand miles (more than 27 thousand km) to be covered every month by messengers, the amount of air pollution data collected in indoor and outdoor areas will have a scale never reached before. The data collected is anonymous and fed into the CleanSpace mobile app, along with data from other Tag users, to provide system users with personal and actionable air pollution data.


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