
*By Camila Cristina Murta

Open government refers to projects and actions that aim to promote transparency, fight against corruption, increase social participation and develop new technologies, in order to make governments more open, responsible for their actions and able to meet the needs of citizens (OGP, 2011). It is, therefore, an international initiative that aims to disseminate and encourage global government practices related to government transparency, access to public information and social participation.  

Open data is information made accessible, free and reusable by any person or organization. They represent a paradigm shift in the way governments share information with citizens, promoting transparency, collaboration and innovation. 

The demand for open data has emerged as part of a global movement to increase government accountability and civic engagement. By making public data openly available, governments allow citizens to monitor and participate in decision-making processes, strengthening democracy (Janssen, Charalabidis and Zuiderwijk, 2012).

In Brazil, the open data agenda gained strength with the approval of the Access to Information Law (Law 12,527/2011 – LAI) in 2011, which established the mandatory disclosure of public information, and with the assumption of a formal commitment to the topic by joining the Open Government Partnership – OGP. Since then, several initiatives have been implemented to promote open data, such as the Brazilian Open Data Portal and the National Action Plan on Open Government. (TCU Magazine, 2014) 

One of the main benefits of open data is the possibility of developing innovative solutions to complex problems, such as optimizing public services and promoting sustainable national development (Huijboom and Van den Broek, 2011). In the context of public procurement, opening up data allows for greater transparency and social control over government spending, in addition to identifying opportunities for efficiency and savings. 

Practical applications of open data in public procurement include monitoring bids and contracts, analyzing prices and suppliers, combating corruption and ensuring fair competition (Svärd, 2017). Platforms such as the Federal Government Purchasing Panel and the Transparency Portal already provide information on bidding processes, allowing civil society to monitor them. 

The Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI), through the Secretariat of Management and Innovation (Seges), improved the open data technology of and provides society with faster, more transparent and secure access to government procurement data, establishing new standards of access to information, in addition to bringing savings to the public procurement process due to efficient access to data and the reduction of storage and processing costs. (MGI, 2023) 

Recently, the New Law on Bidding and Administrative Contracts (Law 14,133/2021) established guidelines for the adoption of digital means and the promotion of more transparency, in addition to promoting innovation as an object of government procurement (art. 11 NLLC).

We also mention Decree 10,160/2019, which established the Digital Government Strategy, Decree 10,332/2020, which created the Federal Government's Open Data Strategy and Law 14,129/2021, known as the Digital Government Law , which establishes principles and rules for the provision of digital public services, including the mandatory provision of open data.  

These legal provisions reflect the Brazilian government's commitment to digital transformation and open data, aiming for greater efficiency, transparency and citizen participation. 

Currently, Brazil is at an intermediate stage in the adoption of open data in public procurement. Although there are relevant initiatives, there are still challenges to be overcome, such as the standardization of data formats, interoperability between systems and the training of public servants (Corrêa, Custódio and Goríssimo, 2017). 

In the near future, it is expected that the availability of open data on public purchases will become a consolidated practice, facilitating social control and the development of innovative solutions. (Janssen and Kuk, 2016). Furthermore, the integration of technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence allows for more sophisticated analyzes and the identification of patterns and opportunities for improvement in public services, making their consumption through public purchases imperative.   

In summary, open data represents a significant opportunity for the digital transformation of public procurement in Brazil, promoting transparency, efficiency and innovation. With the support of a robust legal framework and the government's commitment to the open data agenda, the country is expected to move quickly in this direction, strengthening democracy and delivering better services to the population.


*Camila Cristina Murta is leader of the Public Procurement Working Group of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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