
Specialized in teaching coding to children aged eight and up, Startup Cursos, located in InfoBarra, in Rio de Janeiro, has developed an exclusive method for teaching computer programming to children and teenagers based on the creation of games, cards , animations and all kinds of pieces that were previously made on paper.

“The teaching of codes for the development of computer programs is now a reality in some countries of the world. The educators understood that the student who knows the language of codes develops numerous skills that will effectively be used in practice. The objective is not to train future programmers or computer scientists, but to provide tools so that the little ones know not only 'read', but also write for computers”, explains André Bechara, director of the course.
Among the benefits of introducing this knowledge, Bechara cites the potential stimulation of logical reasoning, creativity and abstraction capacity, in addition to preparing children and adolescents for a job market in which this knowledge will be fundamental.

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