The result of the second edition of the Tech Women Award in Sampa – realization of the Women Entrepreneur Network (RME), Tech Sampa – São Paulo City Hall policy to encourage innovation and the development of startups and Google for Entrepreneurs – was announced on December 11, at a ceremony held in the Google auditorium. The event also featured a debate between the winners of the first edition of the Award, who discussed the importance of encouraging the presence of more women in technology.

The five winning projects, chosen from more than 50 initiatives, received a total of 50 thousand reais, with 10 thousand for each one, in addition to a year of mentoring with Ana Fontes, founder of Rede Mulher Empreendedora. The chosen initiatives, coordinated by women, aim to encourage a greater presence of women in the technology sector, and will be carried out in the city of São Paulo, throughout 2016. The objective is to demystify the universe of startups and technology as territories men, expanding the participation, training and leadership of women in the area.

The winning projects are:

Lovelace Academy: proposed by Letícia Santos and Jean Lima, the project consists of an online programming course, with classroom modules. At the end of the course, as a practical experience, the students will build technology projects for non-profit entities.

PrograMaria course: EuProgrAMO – introduction to programming logic and web development: the project by Iana Chan and Luciana Fernandes consists of an in-person programming course for women, with a workload of 32 hours (there will be two classes, with 30 students each), in addition to the creation of a network of women in technology and a talent bank.

Marialab Hackerspace: iCreated by Vanessa Tonini and Carine Ross, the project aims to offer 10 technology training workshops for women aged 14 and over, in addition to creating a support network for participants to exchange information and help.

PyLadies Sao Paulo: Alini, Erika and Pat are the coordinators of PyLadies São Paulo. The project intends to carry out at least nine courses, throughout 2016, to teach programming to women in the city of São Paulo, using the Python language. Among them, there is a course especially aimed at girls up to 13 years old..

Women Up Games: created by Ariane Parra and Juliana Batista, the project seeks to stimulate the interest of women in the development of games, by holding five themed Game Days (championships) for women and seven lectures on the theme "women in games".

The project "The Adventures of Meg Margadinória in the Ant Kingdom", proposed by Tatiana Barros, won an Honorable Mention from the judging committee for its merit in proposing to work with girls from Elementary School I, a moment in which the removal of girls from Exatas begins, through the stereotype that "mathematics is not something girl".

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