
Innovative projects from all over Brazil will be able to receive up to R$ 200 thousand in contributions

The Conecta Startup Brasil Program announces the launch of the public notice for the selection of 100 entrepreneurial teams and early stage startups interested in getting their ideas off the ground and developing their business through an integrated training action, mentoring with professionals market, connection with companies and networking. Approved projects may receive up to R$ 200 thousand in contributions. To participate, it is not necessary to have a CNPJ and teams with a minimum of two entrepreneurs are accepted.

Conecta Startup Brasil's main objective is to increase the density of entrepreneurs and startups. The program also aims to train entrepreneurs and connect the different actors in the ecosystem. The initiative is the result of a joint action between the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC), the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), Softex and the executing partner, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). ).

“There is a great demand from companies for innovative solutions and, with Conecta Startup Brasil, startups will have the opportunity to develop these solutions. Thus, entrepreneurs expand their business bases and become increasingly prepared for market challenges. For companies, the program is an opportunity to strengthen the culture of open innovation and participate in the innovation ecosystem”, highlights Paulo Alvim, Secretary of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MCTIC.

At the beginning of August, Conecta Startup Brasil released the list of 50 companies from different sectors and industries selected to participate in the Program, a list that includes, among other organizations, 3M, Boticário, Natura, Vale, Enel, Usiminas, Burger King, Votorantim Cimentos, Johnson & Johnson, L'Oréal, Fiat and BASF. The idea is that these organizations mobilize entrepreneurial teams based on 237 real challenges mapped in different areas, such as Industry 4.0, Health, Education, Training, Communication, Civil Construction, Energy, Retail and Digital Transformation.

“This call is a unique opportunity for early stage entrepreneurs and startups to validate the proposed idea in line with the real needs of the market, receiving follow-up and mentoring. It is also a connection bridge with the main players in the national innovation ecosystem”, highlights Diônes Lima, vice president of Softex.

To mobilize entrepreneurs from all regions and disseminate content on innovation and entrepreneurship, Conecta Startup Brasil is promoting a roadshow across all regions of the country. In the coming weeks, he will tour the cities of Manaus, Porto Velho, Roraima, Belém, Palmas and Rio Branco (North); Campo Grande, Goiânia and Brasília (Central-West); Recife, Natal, Salvador and Teresina (Mordeste); Florianópolis, Porto Alegre, Curitiba (South); and Belo Horizonte and São Paulo (Southeast).

Entrepreneurs interested in preparing for the call can participate for free in the training program on the Conecta Startup Brasil distance learning platform, which includes, in addition to video classes, complementary materials and assessment exercises. Registration at

The next stage of Conecta Startup Brasil involves mobilizing mentors, registering investors and partner accelerators. Applications for entrepreneurial teams and startups continue until September 27. The full public notice is available for consultation at

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