
*By Marcelo Murilo

Definitely, automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rapidly changing the job market. According to the report “Future of Jobs” of the World Economic Forum, launched in October 2020, this technological breakthrough is transforming professions and impacting millions of jobs around the world, including Brazil. According to data from the study, automation and AI are expected to eliminate around 85 million jobs globally by 2025, while creating new job opportunities in areas such as technology, health and the environment.

In this scenario of transformations promoted by the rise of automation in the Brazilian labor market, it is possible to make a reflection based on the data of the study “The Future of Employment”, from the University of Oxford, which analyzed more than 700 professions in the United States and assessed the likelihood of automation in each of them, and apply these insights to the Brazilian market, using information from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), as well as from other relevant sources.

According to this analysis, several professions have a high probability of being automated in the coming years, ranging from operational positions to professionals with high academic training, and, applying data from the Oxford University study to the Brazilian reality, it is feasible to map the professions with the greatest probability of impact in the country.

Among them, in order of probability of automation, according to the study, Receptionist, Typist, Cashier Operator, Telemarketing Operator, Administrative Assistant, Assembly Line Worker, Office Assistant, Cafeteria Attendant, Accountant, Driver Driver, Computer Technician, Executive Secretary, Travel Agent, Nursing Assistant, Lawyer and also Doctor.

It is important to note, however, that the adoption of automation does not necessarily mean the end of these professions, but rather a change in the way they are carried out today, as some jobs may become more specialized or require new skills, while others may be created. in areas related to technology and innovation.

In any case, this change could significantly affect the Brazilian labor market, especially in a context of high unemployment. According to IBGE data, the unemployment rate in Brazil reached 7.9% in the quarter ended in December 2022, a good reduction compared to the previous year, when the average rate was 13.2%. However, the accelerated advance of Artificial Intelligence in the last year may influence the reversal of this trend.

Tips for professionals to adapt to the future of the job market

To prepare for this future, it is important that both professionals and companies adopt a proactive approach and adapt to absorb the changes that are to come.

Some recommendations for professionals include developing new skills, considering the importance of always being up-to-date and willing to learn new skills, especially in the technological field.

Another key point in this context is investment in education. Academic and professional training is crucial to remain competitive in the job market. In this sense, investing in undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as in training and development programs can be the key to guaranteeing this competitive advantage.

It is worth noting that automation can replace many routine and repetitive tasks, but not skills such as creativity, empathy and problem-solving skills. In this way, focusing on human skills is essential to always be within what the market lacks.

And finally, it is necessary to be prepared to evolve. Automation can bring uncertainty and change to the job market, but it can also create new opportunities. From this, those who are open to these transformations and seek to adapt quickly will certainly gain prominence.

The role of companies in the face of these changes

Adaptations are not limited to professionals only. Companies must also adapt to this trend and, for that, the first step is to invest in technology. It is not news that organizations, more than ever, need to innovate to remain competitive and this includes the implementation of automation and Artificial Intelligence resources, as well as training their employees to use them assertively.

Another change is related to roles within organizations. Companies can take advantage of automation, for example, to redefine roles and make work more efficient, to eliminate routine and repetitive activities and to create new specialized jobs. Furthermore, it is imperative that companies are open to change and seek to adapt quickly to new technologies and market trends.

The fact is that automation and artificial intelligence are irreversible trends that are rapidly transforming the labor market around the world, including Brazil. To prepare for this future, professionals and companies need to take a proactive approach to becoming protagonists in this evolutionary journey. However, it is important that the automation process is conducted in a conscious manner, taking into account not only economic issues, but also social and labor issues.

It is necessary for companies and government authorities to work together to establish a fair and balanced work environment, ensuring that these new technological tools are used ethically and responsibly. Automation is a reality that cannot be ignored, but neither should it be feared. It is necessary to be prepared and willing to evolve, investing in education and skills that cannot be replaced by technology. With this, we can face the challenges of the future in a constructive way, taking advantage of the opportunities that will arise along the way.

*Marcelo Murilo is co-founder and VP of innovation at Benner Group, a company that offers business management software and technology services to revolutionize and simplify business.

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