The answers that ABES gave us

Life is full of surprises and, in the end, we live waiting for a lot of answers, which we often do not receive. When I wrote my first text on the WEB on a particular search site, stories and authors in 07/2009, this text was called “As ...

"Blessed are you 'Homeland Beloved Brazil'"

Brazilians think that the rest of the world is worth less Brazil. It really seems that we like to speak ill of our land and the customs of our own people. Many glorify other countries, as if this were the world's sewage. They even speak ill of their own ...

Yes, but without losing track

The title reminds me of the phrase: "Change, but start slowly, because direction is more important than speed". So, I face the phrase by Edson Marques: what good is being a Formula 1 champion and winning a wonderful funeral, to die of recklessness in a ...

Intellectual Bullies

The qualities of truly confident people are inherent in their personality and THEY are more humble than the simplest human beings. Trust is not bravado or arrogance or an obvious pretense of bravery. Trust is not a sea ...

'The lessons of silence'

Bruno Kahne is a consultant in Blagnac, France and works with the aviation industry. He wrote an article for Strategy + Business magazine published by Booz & Company, in May 2008, which deals with “what a deaf person can teach us about the art of listening ...


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