Florianópolis was elected, for the 3rd consecutive year, the second most entrepreneurial city in the country, according to the Entrepreneurial Cities Index - ICE 2017, published by Endeavor Brasil. This classification is the result of a history of more than 30 years of investment in technology, focused on knowledge and collaboration. The city has consolidated itself as a model of successful innovation, with public and private promotion initiatives, which can be replicated in other regions of Brazil.

The starting point for the development of an innovation ecosystem in the technological sector in the city was the implantation of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in 1960, focused on engineering courses and, later, the creation of the Certi Foundation - which was responsible for Celtic incubator, the first and from Brazil. There was also an interesting movement in the organization of the private sector, such as the creation of the Catarinense Association of Technology Companies (Acate), of the Midi Technological Incubator. More recently, in 2015, the Excellence SC Program was created, developed by Sebrae / SC, Fiesc and Fecomércio / SC, which gathers good practices from companies focused on innovation.

From the perspective of public incentive policies, the city of Florianópolis contributes by creating an innovation council, composed of several entities in the sector and also with various actions and legislation to encourage the competitiveness of companies. Along these lines, this past month, the State Government created the “Innovation Pact” to integrate academia, governments, companies and civil society.

The Geração Tec program, an initiative also by the state government, was created for the development of young talents, as well as the Synapse of Innovation, an action by Fapesc and Fundação Certi, to foster entrepreneurship. In addition, the government supports the Sapiens Technological Park, the result of work in partnership with the Certi Foundation.

Among other initiatives, the city also has business condominiums with a focus on the technological sector - such as Corporate Park, located at SC 401, known as the innovation route.

In a recent past, Florianópolis depended on public office, commerce and tourism. Today, the city, in addition to retaining its young people, manages to attract brilliant minds for knowledge-based development, which has become an asset for the city. This process will be even better when the government starts to provide open data, because, with this, entrepreneurship will be even greater and the innovation ecosystem can be fostered in a natural and organic way.

For 2018, the expectation is that investments in innovation will increase considerably, since the increase in coworking spaces, trained professionals and the volume of employment opportunities in the sector has been perceptive. In addition, the Regional Bank for the Development of the Far South (BRDE), Finep and the BNDES have increased their financing initiatives for innovation.

On the other hand, even though Florianópolis is an example of innovation, like a living lab, there is room to improve and make your companies even more competitive. With the evolution of the market, in the age of knowledge, this should become a great asset for companies, whose value must be perceived by the promotion agents and by society. Therefore, it is very important to build an innovation ecosystem that meets these new business models, based on knowledge.

Historically, there have been many model initiatives in the city - from the creation of the Federal University of Santa de Catarina, focused on engineering, to the implementation of incentive policies by the city government and the state government.

However, the greatest lessons we can take from this successful case is the importance of integration between the actors and the organization of the business class, seeking the common good.

Florianópolis developed with companies that were born and strengthened in the region, giving great prominence to the incubation processes and the promotion of nascent companies. In this context, like the city, one of ABES's efforts has been to create channels of dialogue between different market players at the national level (government, education, companies) to develop a collective agenda, with the aim of improving the global competitiveness of the Brazil.

The capital of Santa Catarina is an important example, a city that can be considered an urban technological park in the open and today has one of the best HDIs in Brazil - the result of a lot of joint work, due to the merit of different actors who donate to form an ecosystem of innovation.

The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies.

Jamile Sabatini Marques
Jamile Sabatini Marques
Jamile Sabatini Marques she is the Director of Innovation and Promotion of ABES and President of the Chamber of Technology and Innovation of Fecomércio, in Santa Catarina. She holds a PhD from the Engineering and Knowledge Management Program at UFSC and is currently a researcher in Knowledge Based Development at EGC / UFSC. Participates in the LabChis study laboratory for Human and Intelligent Cities. Board member of the International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (IJKBD); the Advisory Committee of the Start-up Brazil Program, the MCTIC, the working group on Industry 4.0, the MDIC, and the Municipal Innovation Council of Florianópolis / SC. Column: Development Based on Knowledge, Innovation, Promotion, Competitiveness and Smart Cities Frequency: monthly More information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamile-sabatini-marques-2662b66/


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