When my second child was born (the first was a beautiful girl), I learned an important and powerful lesson about love - that it is not a finite resource. I always asked myself, "Could I love another baby as my first?" And I can say unequivocally: I love the second one as much as the first.
This realization also taught me something important about success. We often think that a new wave of successes means less to us.
Sometimes, in the workplace, you find people who think that if their colleague is promoted before them, they are lost. Or they think that the colleague should not have been promoted, because they are better. The truth, they think, is that there is not enough success for everyone. However, professional growth and success is not a game where the result is zero.
As with love, there is no limit to the amount of success in the world. Someone of continuous progress does not limit our ability to thrive either. If we focus on ourselves and be efficient in our work, we can all find the success we deserve.
Always and in any situation, in our work, dialogue becomes a race to get all our points to show who we are, before someone else does. Using others as a springboard to ensure that our voice speaks louder must be one of our last options, after we run out of our love supply.
We can love everything, we can always love, but sparingly and as we talk about work, love comes with insight, dedication, honesty and determination.
Working is good, loving is great. A mix of the two makes our lives smoother and easier to achieve success.
Disclaimer: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies.
Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti is an entrepreneur, business administrator and specialist in Information Technology since 1970. Founder and executive of Union TI and director of ABES. A person is considered happy with the achievements obtained daily, happy to be free to act and think, happy to write about everyday life and happy for the family and friends he has. More information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onivaldoroncatti/


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