
The Time Online - 01/04/2014

Polícia apreende 359 CDs e DVDs de pirataria de Software em Uberaba

Agents from the Adida Police Station to the Special Criminal Court of Uberaba (MG) carried out a search and seizure action against computer resellers, suspected of selling fake copies of computer programs, this Monday (31). It was the largest seizure recorded in March. Police seized 359 software piracy CDs and DVDs.

During this period, the municipalities of Londrina (PR), Rolândia (PR), Cambé (PR), Limeira, (SP), Araraquara (SP), Passo Fundo (RS), Porto Alegre (RS) and Chapecó (SC) were also addressed. ). The operation was supported by the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES).
 “The major concern is the reproducibility of these products, which often contain malware, which is malicious code that can jeopardize user data. In many cases, these stores also sell computers with pirated software already installed, without the consumer suspecting that they are being harmed”, points out Jorge Sukarie, president of ABES. A survey showed that in Brazil 47% computers are already pre-infected with viruses.
Whenever a customer suspects the origin of the computer programs offered by the store, he can make an anonymous complaint through the portal, available at the electronic address

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