
*By Isabel Silva

The cybersecurity market is once again experiencing a hiatus. Companies continue to face increasingly challenging demands and need to be faster every day. As a result, they are investing in solutions and more services for different purposes. However, they continue to sin by not having complete visibility of their architecture and what happens in their network.

According to the latest forecasts released in January/23, from global IT market consultancy Canalys, worldwide spending on cybersecurity (including enterprise products and services) will increase by 13.2% in 2023. It is expected to reach US$ 223, 8 billion (R$ 1.1 trillion) in best-case scenario, with growth in cybersecurity service delivery outpacing product shipments.

In general, the corporate world has two major challenges. The first is to be agile and create products to respond to new demands, which can cause an acceleration, which makes companies open a flank for blind spots.

The second is cost containment, even if it is an old mantra, the current scenario urges an even greater belt tightening, even understanding that information security must follow the business.

It is well known that the threat landscape is and will always be evolving. This will make the pressure cooker that CISOs are in worse and worse and could lead them to make quick decisions to broaden and deepen their cyber defenses. Granularity is needed across the enterprise services infrastructure, whether they are “in-house” or in the cloud.

Visibility and control of everything that is happening is fundamental. Understanding what is happening on the network, what attack vectors we are vulnerable to, how to detect and fix network and application vulnerabilities, how users are behaving, and whether the tools deployed in-house are being used with all the potential? These are questions that companies must ask themselves, find answers and possible solutions.

The point is that it is necessary to seek every day solutions that “work for us and not the other way around”. Seeking solutions that can provide visibility and that can help quickly correct gaps will provide better results, in addition to optimizing time and investment.

People, processes and technologies, small, medium or large companies, must have these three focuses in information security management and seek tools that can help control them, without creating an even greater demand for HR, another current problem.

To meet the current situation and the future, the focus should always be on seeking quick answers, efficient tools and a prepared team.

*Isabel Silva is a Cybersecurity Specialist and Director of Business Development at Add Value Security

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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