
The solution is helping the company to monitor the movement of its employees, who work in different regions of the country, through graphic reports that show the clocking in, in situations that have a direct impact on the costs of the operating units.
In order to decentralize the tasks of its Human Resources department and have total control over the clocking of its employees, Temon Técnica de Montagens e Construções adopted the SIINTM solution (Intelligent Integration Service in the Clouds), implemented by iFractal, a developer of solutions for WEB environment.
Present in the market since 1978, Temon operates in the area of electrical and hydraulic installations and has participated in more than 2,000 works in Brazil.
Cristina Silva, who works in Temon's personnel department, explains that the company has operations in several regions of the country and her department needed an online platform that could monitor the movement of employees through graphic reports, which show the main divergences related to registration point, in situations that have a direct impact on the costs of the operating units.
In order to be able to access the record of all appointments, the iFractal team installed a communication module to receive and send the point record online, automatically and without scheduling, to the system's centralized database. The system was integrated with the payroll, which facilitated the work of the personnel department team in carrying out tasks of inserting employees, posting vacations, certificates, removals, dismissals or promotions.
“By adopting the SIINTM solution, we now have remote access to information through any device with internet access, such as tablets, notebooks and smartphones”, explains Cristina.
adopted solutions
In this project, iFractal implemented the ifPonto solution, which has a series of graphic reports that indicate the main divergences that directly affect the operation and costs of the business, so that they can be circumvented at the time of occurrence, avoiding an increase in expenses and in the labor liabilities. The ifMódulo solution also includes a communication module installed in each of the locations outside the customer's network to send records online to the ifPonto system.
Benefits obtained
The adoption of the platform by Temon allowed the company to decentralize the tasks of the human resources department, obtain an improvement in the control and management of employees, allocation of department tasks, significant reduction in operating costs and labor liabilities, overtime and increased productivity .
iFractal implemented resources so that the adopted systems operate with Temon's rules, allowing transparency and preparation for possible audits. 100%'s web-based tools are also seamlessly integrated into the company's legacy systems and modules.
“Currently, we have at our disposal a set of tools that maximize the management capacity of our department, enabling agility in decision-making”, concludes Cristina.


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