
Training addresses methods of identifying irregular software use

BSA|The Software Alliance and the IBP (Brazilian Institute of Experts) have joined forces to offer technological updates on issues involving software licensing to 60 judicial experts, allowing them to be more assertive in the collection and analysis of evidence and contributing to increasing the quality of expert examinations. “This number represents a large portion of the experts who are usually appointed by judges both in the capitals and in the interior of these states”, says the country manager of BSA in Brazil, Antônio Eduardo Mendes da Silva, known as Pitanga.
Training took place throughout 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. “We chose these squares because they have a large number of experts”, explains the director of the IBP, Giuliano Giova.
“The speed of innovations in the software sector requires experts to be up-to-date regarding technical and licensing characteristics so that they can present correct and reliable information to judges and parties involved in legal proceedings,” says Pitanga. “Our main objective is to seek a fair punishment for those who use unlicensed software, preventing further infractions”, he adds.
Lasting eight hours, the training covers national and international methods to identify irregular use of software, the procedures used by each manufacturer for granting licenses and support for software management. Classes also provide information on rates of use of unlicensed software around the world and on the emergence of new licensing modalities. “The meeting also provides a unique moment for the exchange of experiences between the experts, enriching the debate”, says Giova.

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