
*By Ary Silveira Bueno

Brazil 6.0 is an avant-garde movement with the motto Communicate and Collaborate to Realize a Digital Brazil for All in a 6-year perspective, with People at the Center, leaving no one behind, aligned with the ESG and supported by E-Digital: Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation.

It is formed by People who are protagonists in Innovation and Digital Transformation, building an ethical, inclusive and sustainable society, through an economy with equal opportunities, with improved businesses, supported by continuing and personalized education, and a citizen-centered government.

For catch up your Purpose, the Brazil 6.0 works for:

Consolidate the foundations that enable Brazil to play a leading role in Innovation and Global Digital Transformation, together with leading countries on the subject, through a journey that enhances the virtuous circle of empowerment and the productivity of Person 6.0, of competitiveness of Business 6.0, of effectiveness of Government 6.0, of promotion of Economy 6.0, and the construction of Society 6.0 with Quality of Life, Inclusion and Sustainability: economicSocial and Environmental


O Brazil 6.0 is structured under 5 (five) Pillars and 23 (twenty-three) Fundamentals.

It should be noted that the Pillars presented below and their important roles and contributions to People and Organizations, were defined based on several Virtual Meetings of the Board Members, under the coordination of the Curator of the Brazil 6.0, Francisco Antonio Soeltl.


“Protagonists in Innovation and Digital Transformation”

Develop People, at all levels and activities in Organizations, Governments and Society to act as Protagonists, in Innovation and Digital Transformation, focusing on Education, Quality of Life, Inclusion and Sustainability: economicSocial and Environmental.


“Ethical, Inclusive and Sustainable Society through Innovation and Digital Transformation”

Building an Ethical and Egalitarian Society that guarantees the well-being of all, based on the intelligent use of resources and technologies to collectively promote Education, Quality of Life, Inclusion and Sustainability: economicSocial and Environmental.


“Businesses enhanced by Innovation and Digital Transformation”

Improve the Business value chain and the Customer experience through Innovation and Digital Transformation of its processes and models, to generate better results, and promote Quality of Life, Inclusion and Sustainability: economicSocial and Environmental.


“Citizen-Centered Government using Innovation and Digital Transformation”

It is Citizen-Centered, Integrated, Intelligent, Transparent and Open, offering quality, Efficient and Reliable services, facilitating the participation of Society and respecting its individuality and privacy.


“Equal Opportunity Economy through Innovation and Digital Transformation”

The Economy of the future will be digital and built on the synergy and complementarity of the achievements of Business 6.0 and Government 6.0, stimulated by the Continuous Improvement of Productivity, Competitiveness, Innovation and Innovative Entrepreneurship programs, to modernize companies and improve the business environment, providing equal opportunities for all, in all regions of the country, and giving priority to Quality of Life, Inclusion and Sustainability: economicSocial and Environmental, of Society 6.0.


I emphasize that one of the important deliverables of the Brazil 6.0 are the Successful Experiences, which serve to demonstrate the level of maturity with Innovation and Digital Transformation.

THE ABES was recognized as a National Reference in the Award Digital Transformation Brazil Ozires Silva – 2020/2022. meet the ABES experience.

*Ary Silveira Bueno, Founder of ASPR , counselor of Brazil 6.0 and Curator of SinEco

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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