
Among the planned goals is the digitization of 100% of public services at the federal level and the simplification of citizens' lives in the states and municipalities

The Brazilian government launches the Digital Government Strategy 2020-2022, published in Decree 10,332 of the Official Gazette of the Union this Wednesday (29/4) and valid for the entire country. The Strategy charts the path to a fully digital government, in which data and technology support better quality public policies and services, with the ultimate goal of regaining the trust of Brazilians. It also encourages states and municipalities to expand the offer of digital services and help end the paper era for good.

The digital transformation of the Brazilian government is coordinated by the Special Secretariat for Modernization of the State, the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (SEME), and the Secretariat for Digital Government of the Ministry of Economy (SGD/ME). Until then, both followed the first version of the Strategy, conceived for the period 2016 to 2019. Under these guidelines, the federal government reached the mark of 55% of its 3,500 fully digitized services. Now, the goal is more audacious, as it drives the transformation of the services of other federated entities.

The country's current scenario, in which essential documents and services for the population are obtained online in a few hours, such as a digital work card and a digital traffic card, has positioned Brazil among the countries that are most advancing in the transformation from the government. After a long delay in starting this process, Brazilians are now exchanging experiences with nations that have been at the forefront of this race for over a decade, such as Estonia and Denmark.

The rapid adhesion of the Brazilian government and citizens to digital services, facing the challenges of a nation the size of Brazil, makes other countries observe and want to know this journey.

“With the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for digital services that serve the population quickly and effectively became even more evident. The objective of this government is to facilitate and modernize the life of the Brazilian citizen. The Digital Government Strategy is moving towards this goal”, says the Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Jorge Oliveira.

growing economy

In addition to the savings already provided, of R$ 2.2 billion annually with the digitization of 668 federal services since January last year, the government also started to count the hours of bureaucracy saved by the population. Citizens now no longer need to spend hours traveling and queuing for face-to-face assistance, or even spending on dispatchers to speed up the solution of their requests to the government.

By federal government estimates, Brazilians already save 147 million hours a year with federal public services digitized in the last 15 months. It is the equivalent of a full day of work for the entire economically active population of Greater São Paulo.

The advance of digitization is reflected in the government's actions at this time of the coronavirus pandemic. “The services delivered to the population in the last 45 days as a result of Covid-19 are already fully digital and allow citizens to access them directly on their cell phone, without leaving their home. This is the case of the R$ 600 Emergency Aid services, from the Ministry of Citizenship, and more recently, the Domestic Employee Unemployment Insurance, from the Ministry of Economy, which tens of millions of people are accessing without having to travel," notes the Secretary of Digital Government, Luis Felipe Monteiro. "In a critical situation like the one we are living in, this demonstrates how much we are on the right path when investing in digital 100% services."

new guidelines

The new digital government guidelines contained in the 2020-2022 Strategy were widely discussed with society. The drafting process had 150 participants from 32 public and private organizations, in addition to the 320 contributions received in a public consultation held in November last year. This process enriched the document, based on the principles of a government: citizen-centered, integrated, trustworthy, intelligent, transparent and open, and efficient.

With the application of the new Digital Government Strategy, as of 2020, the estimated savings for the federal government in five years is R$ 37.9 billion, in total. This is the expected result with the elimination of paper and bureaucracy, the leasing of structures and the hiring of personnel for face-to-face assistance, in addition to losses from errors and fraud in public services.

By saving expenses at this level, the objective is for the public authorities to be able to revert these resources to where the citizen needs them most, qualifying services such as health, education, social assistance, social security, among many other priorities for the common good.

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