
The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) signed a technical cooperation agreement with the objective of disseminating the culture of intellectual property (IP) and promoting science, technology and innovation (C ,T & I) in Brazilian companies and promote the industrial, scientific and technological development of the country. The document was signed on May 14 at the BNDES' headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, by presidents Luciano Coutinho and Otávio Brandelli.
With a term of five years, the agreement has a broad defined work agenda, which involves: the creation of a working group to prepare policies and procedures for the use of intellectual property in the BNDES' support mechanisms for innovation; training of Bank technicians on IP-related topics, with emphasis on protection mechanisms and searches in national and international patent banks; and research of strategic technologies for the national industry.
“The current challenges to innovation impose a new agenda, so it is very important to have closer and more coordinated cooperation between the two entities”, said the president of BNDES, referring to the relationship between intellectual protection and the promotion of fostering innovation.
“We want technologies generated in the country by national companies; we want R&D laboratories installed in Brazil. This possibility is beginning to be glimpsed”, said Coutinho, referring to sectors such as pharmaceuticals and semiconductors.
For the president of INPI, the agreement will allow for a better performance of the two institutions in stimulating innovation. “The partnership between INPI and BNDES will play an important role in making technological information reach companies from the INPI patent base. In addition, it will help bring investors closer to inventors, one of the bottlenecks in the innovation system,” he said.
The BNDES/INPI technical cooperation agreement also provides for the sharing of information between the two entities with regard to intellectual property agents, in registration requests and technology transfer contracts and in the survey of patents or other registrations related to the subject of intellectual property.


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