
Objective is to contract solutions for the development of a pilot project.

Banco BMG launches the first phase of the BMG Digital Lab program, aimed at contracting digital solutions for the preparation of pilots. The aim is to establish partnerships with startups at an advanced stage, developing projects linked to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The benefit is a three-month contract with Banco BMG, during which the entrepreneurs and the financial institution will conduct a pilot project to improve the relationship between the corporation and its customer base.
The idea is to work together with these startups, creating products and services that are connected to the bank's business. “Within our pioneering DNA and our entrepreneurial vision, we want to put the bank's know-how and tradition in favor of innovative proposals. This is what we have been doing throughout our trajectory: identifying and bringing into the institution innovative projects linked to technology”, highlights the executive director of Banco BMG, Eduardo Mazon.
The partnership with ACE, the best startup accelerator in Latin America, gives even more strength to the program. “Generally, it is very difficult for a company that has developed a digital solution to access a large client, such as Banco BMG. And ACE, with all its expertise in evaluating startups and new businesses, is here to close this gap and advise the bank on this innovative work for the digital environment”, says Arthur Garutti, COO of ACE.
The main focus of this phase involves the following theses:
1. Customer Relationship: integration of operations involving the bank's liabilities with a digital platform developed by Integral Sistemas. We look for: mapping for retargeting, AI (bots) for investment advisor and other diverse solutions;
2. Usability: tools for usability and improvement in the user experience, on web and mobile platforms, in customer engagement, in addition to BI and Machine Learning aimed at consumer behavior. These are solutions that culminate in responsive layouts and increased conversion rate;
3. Financial education: financial and banking education platforms for the digital medium (web and mobile), which help Banco BMG's customers to better understand the financial products of the Brazilian market and also offer more transparency to the relationship between customers and banks, in a modern way;
4. New digital products (banking or not): Products that make sense to Banco BMG customers and that can be sold at Help! (;
5. Operational Solutions: products that support the bank's internal operational processes, such as HR, Legal Bots, financial and administrative.
Registration is open and can be made until March 13, directly using a form available on the website 
"The important thing, in addition to meeting one of the program's theses, is that the entrepreneur sends a brief description of what his solution is and how he can provide service to one of the most innovative banks in the market", advises Thiago Ururahy, head of ACE Corp, the business unit responsible for bridging the gap between large companies and startups.

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