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The webinar “ABES NEW TIMES: How is blockchain?”Was held on August 12, with the support of the Movimento Brasil, País Digital; the Malgueiro Campos Advocacia office; in addition to Bertha Capital, BR Angels, Bossa Nova Invest, Kyvo and Startup Farm, partners of the ABES Startup Internshinp Program.

We have assembled a select group of professionals and researchers dedicated to the blockchain. The debate was moderated by Solange Calvo, a journalist specializing in IT and telecom, production of digital content and management of social networks.

The webinar was welcomed by Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES, who spoke about the technological revolution process, the advent of the supercomputers of the future and the relevance of understanding how blockchain positions itself within the digital transformation ecosystem.

Authentication and tracking

The first panelist to speak was Emília Campos, lawyer, partner of Malgueiro Campos Advocacia, Professor of the MBA in Blockchain Technologies at Fiap. She commented that, in addition to the cryptocurrency market, there are business models working with blockchain authentication, which are very interesting. The technology is also used for copyright registration or in livestock to do meat tracking. "I believe that this tends to improve more and more, with companies testing applications," he said.

Blockchain in the sustainability chain

Leisy Teixeira, co-founder and head of Operations for Agryo, a risk intelligence startup for agribusiness, reported how she uses blockchain in her services, which involves sustainability and support for farmers to achieve the credit profile to attract investments. Agryo develops a technological solution to help companies include rural producers in the financial credit system or obtain agricultural insurance so that they can produce and improve their income, while preserving the environment. The startup provides services to banks, insurers and certifiers of green bonds. "We use blockchain to validate non-financial transactions quickly and cheaply, to track environmental assets and provide more transparency," he added.

New monetary system

Following, Safiri Felix, Executive Director of the Brazilian Association of Cryptoeconomics (ABCripto) and one of the pioneers of the Brazilian Bitcoin market, said that Brazilians have an increasing interest in this new class of assets, that bitcoin is still the main of them, operating from an independent monetary system that allows to create a reserve of very important value in face of the devaluation of the real.

Blockchain massification

Solange Gueiros, a developer specializing in Blockchain, focusing on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Smart Contracts, who won awards at the hackathons in New York and Berlin in 2019 and in Denver in 2020. She said that bitcoin is mainly tied to transfers value and the creation of decentralized financial systems, which operate 24 hours a day without interruption. "I see that in the future we will use blockchain in the same way that we use the internet," he said.

Need for interoperability

Thiago Padovan, co-founder of the Movements Project and the Blockchain Academy, a cryptocurrency and blockchain education and consulting initiative, stressed that companies have no choice but to innovate. He also said that there are projects to generate interoperability between crypto assets, to attract new investors in the system and to overcome the negative image. "Blockchain is the result of several technologies that have been maturing since the 1960s," he noted. He also cited initiatives to create corporate cryptocurrencies, such as the Facebook project, and the PIX instant payment system, which will be launched by the Central Bank of Brazil in 2020, as a possible response to 24/7 bitcoin transactions.

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