
By Alexandre Tunes, Country Manager, InterSystems Brasil


The analysis and interpretation of large volumes of unstructured data not only helps us to improve current processes but also serves to predict the future 4.0.
Big Data is a technological resource that applies to different segments, such as health, business and government in this era of digital transformation. Currently, the logistics industry is betting on incorporating technologies and platforms that assist players in collecting data to improve, among other things, efficiency and productivity in the supply chain.
The technology contributes greatly to optimizing resources, maximizing operational levels, obtaining higher efficiency rates and reducing costs. For this reason, most likely sectors such as retail and logistics have great opportunities for advancement from new technologies. For example, the Webshoppers study, developed by Ebit / Nielsen, reveals that e-commerce was responsible for the turnover of R$ 53.2 billion in Brazil in 2018 - growth of 12% in relation to the previous year.
It is safe to say, therefore, that the country is among the largest in per capita transactions in Latin America. There are 58 million consumers who made at least one purchase online in 2018. Some basic rules must be followed by logistics and fast delivery agents, and data analysis is essential in this strategy. Starting with attention to the consumer's desire for free shipping, fast dispatches, ease of return policies and monitoring of shipping.
The application of technology not only helps to improve current processes, through data capture, processing and analysis on a large scale, but also serves to anticipate what Big Data allows, for example, to detect trends, failures and behavior, which assists in making the best business decisions.
Calculating the most convenient route for trucks, boats and aircraft, in addition to the time for picking up and delivering orders, plus the optimization of distribution centers, are some of the advantages that companies can obtain by adopting Big Data as a technological premise.
In this sense, it is also important that logistics can rely on data platforms that allow quick and effective decision making through solutions that compile all data from multiple sources and that deliver this information in real time, facilitating processing, learning and operations in reliable management, including adverse conditions that facilitate increased productivity.
Expectations are positive, but the reality is that there is a long way to go in terms of logistical operations, since many companies continue to use paper and pencil. In this sense, digital transformation and application development must be at the base of organizations' strategic vision.
Brazil is advancing on this issue. It is worth recommending that, if you want to position yourself as a reference in Latin America, the condition is to continue investing in the use of new technologies and solutions. The promising result is not just a feature of developed countries, but of those who invest in the future 4.0.

Disclaimer: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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