
The banking sector has been one of the exponents of the speed of change driven by new challenges, regulations and growth opportunities from the digital universe. And it is precisely with an eye on these new possibilities that Banco Original has defined the pillars to accelerate its digital transformation and generate greater business value for its customers and shareholders through an automation and observability intelligent, able to unite IT and Business, based on the Dynatrace platform.

“We integrate the business team with the operations team, using the digital as a personalized relationship platform with our account holders. We have a real obsession with continually improving the customer journey and the performance of business services. Therefore, we are committed to Artificial Intelligence in our IT operations to simplify processes and scale automation, as well as to manage them in a way that is relevant to the business”, highlights Paulo Sahadi, IT and Operations Superintendent at Banco Original.

This pioneering spirit, according to the executive, taught that digital transformation is teamwork: business lines need to innovate quickly with CX (Customer Experience) and the EX (employee experience) as a focus on everything they do for differentiation, operational efficiency and revenue growth. The development team, on the other hand, depends on a DevOps culture and adoption of microservices to accelerate deliveries and meet business needs. On the other hand, the operations team also needs to provide the platforms to meet the demands of development and promote SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) practices as the basis for the transformation of traditional operations and practical application of DevOps.

“Before, we discussed metrics and now our communication between areas starts to revolve around SLOs (Service Level Objectives). Today, we've already discussed how autonomous clouds are becoming a reality rather than focusing on traditional data center management,” exemplifies Sahadi.

The bank chose the platform of observability Dynatrace as the basis of this entire strategy which highlights three pillars: 

Putting experience at the center of everything. That's because a continuously growing customer base of over 5 million means different levels of digital maturity with their unique needs and expectations as well. As a result, teams are under pressure to create functionality and improve the usability of online and mobile services in order to constantly innovate.

However, just customizing products and services is not enough, as all digital experiences and customer journeys need to be seamless. In this context, that typical approach focused only on transforming the front end doesn't work anymore because the backend gains the same relevance in pursuit of operational excellence accelerating the need and adoption of architectures cloud-native. Therefore, the strategy of observability of Banco Original was also premised on the ability to deal with hybrid environments and multicloud and provide end-to-end visibility of the entire customer journey. 

Focus on operations that generate value for customers. The mantra of all transformation in order to accelerate innovation, differentiation and clear business value. In this sense, teams need to promote greater collaboration and drastically reduce the time spent on resolving incidents and problems that consume many resources, which could be redirected to innovation. And the observability Scale is the key to collaboration by allowing different teams to access contextual information in real time whether for troubleshooting, improving the quality and speed of the DevOps treadmill, or detecting an anomaly in a business KPI, enabling the areas make the most of the expertise of each.

The fact that the Dynatrace platform combines different disciplines on the same platform from managing the digital experience to business analytics, application and microservice performance management, multicloud infrastructure monitoring, Log analytics, application security and all its capacity for automation at scale through the AIOps as a central element, were determining factors in the assessment of Banco Original in its constant search for operational efficiency and differentiation as a digital bank. 

The importance of an ecosystem approach. The speed of change accelerated by new technologies and architectures cloud-native it also means the challenge of dealing with all the increasing complexity including the explosion of microserviceskubernetescontainers, APIs and numerous third-party services to take advantage of opportunities arising from the regulation of the Open Banking. Thus, an ecosystem approach becomes critical to accelerating innovation and simplifying IT operations. The Dynatrace platform's ability to simplify operations and handle all the complexity of the cloud with observability and AI on the same platform, offering native support for more than 560 technologies, plus the ability to extend the platform by supporting data ingestion from other sources and Open Telemetry, for example, ensures a long-term ecosystem approach for Banco Original.

“We couldn't have visibility gaps or silo views. All of our customers' interactions matter and the Dynatrace platform is a fundamental part of our digital strategy. We are able to evaluate, in real time, the performance of business services and diagnose the root cause, even at a code level, of any problems in the mobile application and website, in order to promptly correct them. The Dynatrace platform allows Banco Original to assess technical adjustments based on business needs, since the IT area has accurate and contextualized information about what must be done by the development, architecture or operations teams, thus prioritizing activities from the direction of the executives, according to the needs and business impact. As a result, the digital strategy goes hand in hand with the business”, says Sahadi.  

Another benefit, according to the executive, is that the customer service and support teams work together with the IT and business areas and with the bank's senior management for a strategy of continuous improvement of the digital experience. "Here at Banco Original, our customer service frontline is able to assess their journey to help them use, in real time, the App and the system via the Web, allowing for a more personalized and assertive service process", he says, noting that Banco Original solves the vast majority of demands in the first level of support.

Open Banking, by definition, requires a true transformation of the entire financial sector. “Banco Original was born digital, which in itself puts it ahead of other banks, which still need to transform their legacy systems and processes. What we are looking for now is to further differentiate our customers' digital experience and accelerate innovation,” adds Sahadi. 

In this sense, having a platform supporting different use cases allows the bank to be one step ahead. To illustrate the importance of Dynatrace's AI engine, Davis, he became the virtual assistant of the entire IT area, being able to diagnose the root cause of an anomaly or incident impacting a business process, in real time, analyzing billions of dependencies, which would be humanly impossible. This agility and power of AI further allows the bank to continually improve service levels by knowing exactly what to address to generate greater business impact.  

"A strategy of observability smart business and IT becomes imperative and a fundamental part of moat financial institution and Banco Original understands this very well through a culture disseminated throughout the organization and the obsession of all employees with the digital experience of their customers and service performance.”, analyzes Roberto de Carvalho, Vice-President for South America from Dynatrace.   

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