
Check out the main points of the lecture of ABVCAP, ABES organized by


Many entrepreneurs want to raise funds to leverage the growth of their companies. This is a concern both for start-up entrepreneurs and also for those who have been running a business for a longer time. But, what are the ways to achieve this project?

In order to contribute to the choice and decision-making, in addition to presenting information to its members, on February 18, ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies promoted a lecture with representatives of ABVCAP - Brazilian Private Equity Association and Venture Capital, a non-profit entity that works to promote long-term investment activity in the country, in the modalities covered by the concepts of private equity, venture and seed capital. The entity has approximately 220 partners - fund managers, investors and associate members (both individuals and companies).

Atrair investidor exige preparação e habilidade de compartilhar gestão

Christian de Castro and Ângela Ximenes, from ABVCAP; Jamile Sabatini Marques,
ABES, and José Menezes, from CNPq

The executive superintendent of ABVCAP, Ângela Ximenes, opened the activities, remembering that the association acts to create a networking environment, stimulating the sustainable development of partnerships and the interaction between the participants.

The speaker recalled that there are several funds focused on ICT companies - information and communication technology. She cited GM Ventures, the automaker's fund, as an example, which is looking for companies that operate with technologies for the automotive sector. “It is important for the entrepreneur to study this market a lot, to understand the stage of his business, the profile of his company, where he can innovate and what to offer as a return to investors. It is a process that requires preparation and a lot of negotiation. We have more suitable funds for new companies and others for those that are already on the market ”, he explained.

Venture Forum

ABVCAP's business consultant, Christian de Castro, explained to the participants one of the works carried out by the association: the Venture Forum, a structured process of approximation between companies and potential investors, which involves several stages, and which ends with an event. The next is the Venture Forum RioContentMarket, which will take place on March 11, in the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

“For the Venture Forum, we selected a group of companies with potential and carried out the training of entrepreneurs. We guide the entrepreneur to communicate and present his differential and objectives in a clear way. Then, we reduced this group, for those we evaluate to be more prepared ”, he commented. The training also involves organizing ideas and improving the business model. 

Attracting investor

What does the investor look for? He wants businesses that are innovative, have a differential to promote competitive advantages, operate in a market with high growth rates and that is large to allow the entry of new companies and that the invested company has profitability, that is, operating profit.

“Another important factor is the team of entrepreneurs. She must understand the functioning mechanism of this relationship that is established. They will have to share management and implement corporate governance mechanisms. The contribution of a fund is more than just obtaining an investment ”, said the ABVCAP consultant. 

Christian encouraged ABES associates to sign up for the ABVCAP database, as the entity receives periodic inquiries from investors and usually selects and indicates companies from this register. This indication is not related to the Venture Forum. It is a provision of services to promote rapprochement.

Between April 14th and 15th, the entity will promote the ABVCAP 2014 Congress, in Rio de Janeiro, considered O largest meeting of private, venture and seed capital in Latin America, which will bring together more than 600 players from the national and international scenarios.
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