
System already evaluates 10 million voice calls per month


Atento, one of the leading customer relationship management companies and specialist in business processes (CRM/BPO) in Latin America and one of the three largest providers in the world, has entered into a partnership with Microsoft Brazil for the use of Artificial Intelligence in the analysis of phone calls. The pioneering project in the country seeks to increase the levels of understanding of the consumer's profile and behavior so that it is possible to design more assertive relationship strategies.
In practice, the solution is based on Microsoft's cognitive cloud services, Azure, and uses an advanced voice transcription feature, which allows you to understand the content of the conversation and, from it, obtain data that enable business insights. Speech Analytics, as this feature is called, allows you to analyze aspects such as the reason for the contact (interpretation of intention), analysis of customer sentiment (mood), among other various elements. This analysis will allow Atento to know in depth the profile of each consumer, including forecasting future behavior.
In the initial phase of the project, Atento analyzed an average of 10 million voice calls per month, the equivalent of 50 million minutes per month or a phone call lasting 95 years. This volume is 350% greater than the company was able to analyze prior to Microsoft's adoption of Artificial Intelligence.
“This project is part of the structural stage of our plan for innovation and digital transformation. We are investing in important partnerships to intensify the use of digital tools and artificial intelligence. For companies that use Atento as a partner in the management of their relationship channels, this project with Microsoft translates into something increasingly crucial: the extraction of business insights that will support personalized strategies”, says Luis Ricardo Ferreira, Vice-President President of Business at Atento.
In addition to offering a more assertive service, the use of Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence in the analysis of voice calls will help Atento to identify points of improvement in the service process, in the training of attendants and in the automation of tasks that can speed up contact with the consumer.
“In this project with Atento, we have the opportunity to see in practice how AI expands the capacity to offer a more assertive service, benefiting thousands of consumers”, says Maurício Azevedo, Commercial Vice-President of Microsoft Brazil.
Next step – This large knowledge base generated for Atento by Microsoft technology is already being used in a second phase of the project, which consists of capturing the best service approaches and their application to virtual assistants (bots or robots). They are able to perform customer service in an automated 100% way, with faster and more quality interactions using natural language – the same way humans converse and express themselves.
Atento has already adopted bots in internal processes, such as service at the service desk for employees. In less than a year, it was possible to increase in 5% the capacity of resolution of calls with the bot. By the end of 2017, it is expected that the rate of efficiency in servicing by bots will reach more than 20%.


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