
The Association of Digital Games Developers of Rio Grande do Sul - ADjogosRS, managing entity of the Local Productive Arrangement of Digital Games of the State of RS - APL Games RS, was selected in two public notices by the state government to invest in promotion and development actions to the RS games industry. Promoted by the Rio Grande do Sul Investment Development and Promotion Agency (AGDI), the notices allocate R$ 150 thousand each for the association to invest in governance and priority projects. 
With the governance notice, the entity will be able to organize itself internally in the legal, accounting and disclosure areas. “For the first time we will be able to start thinking in the medium and long term and strengthen our structure as an entity”, highlights Ivan Sendin Silveira, executive director of ADjogosRS. In the priority projects public notice, all the funds will be invested in training and mentoring work for member companies (currently 30). Within a year and a half, the companies selected by the association's council will have access to training with renowned professionals in the global gaming market. 
“Participants will have the opportunity to be trained by guys who have been in the market for years, in addition to doing quality networking. Many of these guys even come here as scouts, that is, in addition to learning, they will have real business opportunities”, explains Carlos Idiart, president of ADjogosRS. The presence at fairs in the sector will be another possibility offered by ADjogosRS to companies, through partnerships with major events such as Anime Extreme and Brasil Game Show. 

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