
CIEE in partnership with Ada Tech, and support from Movimento Tech and Centro Paula Souza launched today, 06, the unprecedented initiative

On Wednesday, 6th, the Business-School Integration Center – CIEE in partnership with Ada Tech, and support from Movimento Tech and Centro Paula Souza brought together Human Resources and Technology professionals to launch the learning program “ Digital Impulse”.

The pioneering initiative in the country will feature a curriculum aimed at combating two bottlenecks diagnosed by the institutions: the gap in basic educational knowledge and the shortage of professionals in the technology area, which could reach a deficit of 206 thousand professionals in 2025.

The first stage of the program, based on the Learning Law (Law 10,097/2000), will cover Greater São Paulo, will have Portuguese and mathematics teachers within the training room and will include more than 500 hours dedicated to the study of the English language, statistics , database, among other topics.

“The aim of the program is to train more capable apprentices who are connected to new trends, so we will reinforce basic education and develop the skills needed for the professions of the future. Apprentices who go through Impulso Digital will be able to work in technology and related areas”, says Rodrigo Dib, Institutional Superintendent at CIEE. The projection is to hire 5 thousand apprentices by the end of the year.

“In view of the future needs and challenges in the technology area, this partnership appears as an incentive for young apprentices to become qualified and committed professionals, with better salary forecasts and specific knowledge, differentiating themselves in the market”, says Felipe Paiva, founder and CEO of Ada Tech. “We are excited to participate in this program and ready to provide all the necessary learning for this new generation of professionals”, points out Paiva.

The initiative has the support of Movtech, a coalition of organizations that seek to direct resources towards social investment in education and technology, and the Paula Souza Center.

“Working together to develop Impulso Digital is an example of how collaboration between different sectors can generate a significant impact on education and the job market”, says Mariana Lopes, executive manager of Movimento Tech. “We believe that, by investing in the educational base and digital skills of young people, we are responding to the demands of professionals and companies, solving real problems”, concludes the executive.

“The program will make a difference in the lives of thousands of young people who seek, through education, new ways to grow, prosper and realize their dreams. For Centro Paula Souza, it is an honor to be among the supporters of such a promising initiative and aligned with the challenges and demands of today's world”, says the superintendent director of Centro Paula Souza, Laura Laganá.

Companies interested in hiring for the Digital Impulso Aprendiz program should access the address: 

CIEE 60 years: Unstoppable

Since its foundation, the Business-School Integration Center, the largest NGO for social inclusion and youth employability in Latin America, has been dedicated to professional training for young people and adolescents. The institution, responsible for inserting 6 million Brazilians into the world of work, maintains a series of social assistance actions aimed at promoting knowledge and strengthening bonds among priority populations.

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