
AnnA – a new conversational hub that connects people to systems through messaging applications, has conquered the market in Brazil. According to Marcos Abellón, the general director of W5 Solutions, a Brazilian company recognized for the development of BI solutions, AnnA is a versatile communication channel that can be adopted for team training, sales, data collection in research, and as learning platform, in addition to analyzing business data for decision making through graphs and dashboards.

The platform took a year to develop, and GeneXus was used for its development as the programming tool. It can be integrated with messaging applications – such as Messenger, Telegram and, mainly, WhatsApp, which is used by more than 120 million Brazilians and is installed on 91% of the country's smartphones. “Conversational platforms bring greater practicality and function as a strategic channel, after all, nowadays, nobody wants to receive more calls”, argues Abellón.

“We created a conversational hub that is also easy to integrate with various services, such as payments, contact with employees and Help Desk, in addition to being used to communicate with customers. I think it is one more resource to combine technology and good service in companies of all sizes. “The platform is already integrated with some systems, but any other type of service can be connected via web services to AnnA”, says Abellón.

success case

One of the first successful cases of the platform that connects people to systems is with FIL Group Brasil, based in Curitiba (PR). The international transport and logistics agent that operates with imports and exports, has just launched, with the help of AnnA, the pioneering service FIL Connect by AnnA, now available to its more than 300 customers.

The FIL Connect by AnnA service offers transportation information, which is in the FIL Group's ERP, in real time and in the palm of your hand with a simple request for the @filgroup command within the messaging app (WhatsApp). Daily, the company sent an average of 150 emails to customers; with the new platform, sending data becomes much more agile and automated.

“As for the logistics and international transport sector, communication, agility and transparency are important values, FIL Connect by AnnA is a tool that solves demand problems by connecting people to our system at any time of the day”, says the director of the FIL Group, Fabio Kamada.

It is anticipated that FIL Connect by AnnA and other tools contained in FIL Tools in the near future may replace a significant part of the manual operation of reporting on the location, fluidity and performance of processes. It was carried out until then by employees in a completely manual way, mainly by consulting websites, e-mails and also making phone calls.

“We understand that this process will allow these same employees to have more time for functions that are considered “nobler”. In addition, the company's customers now have access to the online and direct communication channel through FIL Connect by AnnA and as soon as goods are shipped, they have the option of requesting reports with follow-ups of the process in the PDF format through the app. And in the end, we believe we are pioneers in offering this service to the market”, points out Kamada.

About W5 Solutions

W5 Solutions was founded in 2003 and serves companies from the most diverse segments, operating in Brazil and abroad. The company develops customized solutions for the cloud on the web and has highly trained and certified professionals in the BI platform and also for the development of SaaS solutions in the cloud.

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