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Data & Analytics leaders can no longer master today's digital business opportunities and challenges using the competencies and models of organizations of the past. This alert is issued by Gartner Inc., a world leader in research and advice for companies. According to Gartner analysts, to be successful, companies should take seriously the process of restructuring their structures and teams, looking for new options designed for the future.
According to the survey Gartner 2018 CEO Survey, Chief Data Officers (CDOs) often cite a lack of adequate skills or specialized personnel as one of the main internal obstacles to success. The survey highlights a similar pattern, with respondents listing the “lack of appropriate talent and capability in the workforce” as the biggest inhibitors to digital business progress. For executives, Data & Analytics expertise ranks first among the technology-related skills Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) will need most in the years to come.
The growing importance of Data & Analytics actions has created new strategic challenges for organizations and IT leaders. Now is the time to create an organization with new data and analytics fit for the future. Therefore, research and trends on the topic will be presented during the Gartner Data & Analytics 2019 Conference, which will take place from May 29 to 30 in São Paulo. For Gartner Senior Analyst Jorgen Heizenberg, here are the points that data and analytics leaders should focus on when starting their journey to support the necessary transformation for their companies' digital business:
Why should data and analytics leaders rethink existing roles? – The workforce landscape is changing. Some traditional IT functions are being disrupted by functions performed by business users from areas beyond technology. In addition, there are also emerging some new hybrid positions that span different knowledge and units, combining different IT and business skills. The algorithmic business is creating new responsibilities for those managing and analyzing data loads, requiring diverse capabilities in increasingly complex areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Real-time data analytics is constantly changing and requires different skills and a different mindset. In addition, the need for data and analytics governance policies is leading to smarter and more adaptive governance, resulting in necessary changes in data and analytics organizations and roles.
How should data and analytics leaders manage a hybrid and distributed organizational model? – Data usage affects the entire organization. This means that it doesn't make sense for multiple different teams – or even a single team – to act centrally to oversee information. The recommendation is to establish a hybrid and distributed organizational model, covering all data and analytics use cases in the organization. CDOs are the executives who have the organizational responsibility to drive value creation from data assets and with the external data ecosystem. These experts should work with the analytical center of excellence as well as decentralized teams. CDOs should begin to gradually lead more Data & Analytics strategies, focusing on creating strategic data use cases for experimentation, in models that will scale across the enterprise over time. Data leaders must plan to establish or develop strategies to manage information assets and provide insights to the business to improve decision making and drive incremental value.
Who are the top experts for Data & Analytics? – Currently, a number of roles are important to enterprise data analytics leaders, with the Chief Data Officer roles at the forefront. Additional positions include looking for facilitators of data-driven work, including data analysts, engineers and data scientists, information architects, and master data management program managers.
What new roles are emerging and which will be important in the future? – As the transformation towards digital and algorithmic business continues, new roles that combine IT and business skills will emerge. For example, when business and information leaders agree to monetize data for revenue or other financial benefits, hiring an information products manager is vital. Other positions that can add value are Data Outsourcing Managers, Continuous Intelligence Functions, Algorithmic Business Domain Specialists, and Algorithmic Business Trackers. A data expert can also play an important role in recommending to your organization new ways to use information to improve the business.
The event has the institutional support of ABES and its members will have a special discount of R$ 550 on the registration price. To gain access, sign up with the code BRIABS site

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