

Development of local technology was supported by FINEP
Aker Security Solutions, the first Brazilian data protection products and services company to enter Gartner's Magic Quadrant for UTM Firewall, has just launched its new advanced solution to protect against cyber threats and digital espionage. This is the most recent update of the Aker IPS/IDS platform, which comprises all the features of an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System and web application filter.
The new Aker IPS has more than 25,000 signatures with daily updates and focusing on Zero-day and Malware detection. The solution has a self-explanatory interface, through which the user can edit traffic permission or prohibition policies, including differentiation by hierarchical levels.
The system is prepared to identify and face all types of malicious code and attack modalities, such as malware, denial of service attacks and intrusion attempts through backdoors (accidental – or malicious – vulnerabilities existing in software or hardware items) .
The launch is the result of an R&D initiative initiated by Aker at the end of 2012, when several international cases of breaches of data confidentiality in government agencies and strategic companies, including the Brazilian Government and Petrobras, came to light.
Support from Finep
The development of the new Aker IPS was supported by FINEP (Studies and Projects Financier) and fits into the context of the national security industry in search of creating an independent technological base for the Brazilian market in terms of digital security.
Its operating mechanism guarantees maximum speed in detecting traffic pattern deviations or in detecting patterns compatible with the functioning of threats. The solution also has the ability to inspect and block, in real time, applications and P2P (peer to peer) file transfer operations such as Torrent and TOR, blocking downloads and protecting against IP Spoofing (address spoofing). ).
According to Rodrigo Fragola, President of Aker, one of the differentiators of Aker IPS is its ability to offer strict protection, but without requiring companies to exclude the use of social networks or access to their data through employees' smartphones. "We seek to surpass the international model of IPS/IDS by enabling the productive use of these new network models with the same level of protection that is used today for the conventional fixed network", says the executive.
Aker IPS also allows the creation of White Lists in order to avoid undue blockages and interruptions to the workflow.

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