

Survey was carried out with 1,000 entrepreneurs from all over Brazil and 26 industries


In order to foster and understand the startup ecosystem in Brazil, Accenture and ABStartups, the entity that represents the segment, launch the Radiography of the Brazilian Startup Ecosystem (RESB), a national study with the participation of more than 1,000 active startups in all states of Brazil.
Among other results, the survey reveals that Santa Catarina, the Federal District, Ceará and Goiás are some of the states with the largest number of startups outside major cities, as well as showing that the average age of this type of company is 2.7 years. Regarding the challenges for the coming years, 22.7% respondents highlighted that they intend to focus on consumer engagement and another 13.3% in their marketing areas.
More information about the study can be obtained on here.

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