The conference, which will be broadcast live, will feature lectures and debates on the Future of the Sector; Taxation Challenges; Innovation; Juridical insecurity; IOT, Security and Quality in Software
On the 15th of September, ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) holds, at the WTC - Events Center, in São Paulo, the ABES Software Conference 2016, which will have as its main theme the Digital World: Challenges and Opportunity for a society in transformation. For this edition, which is part of the celebration calendar of ABES '30 years, the main novelty is the expansion of its program, with more speakers invited to integrate the wide range of themes. The event will be broadcast live from 8:00 am through this link:
During the conference, the speakers will discuss current and recurring themes about the Software and Services market, such as: the Future of the Sector; Taxation Challenges; Innovation; Juridical insecurity; IOT, Security and Quality in Software. The “Study: Brazilian Software and Services Market” will also be presented, which placed the Brazilian IT Industry in 7th place in the world ranking, with an investment of US$ 60 billion in 2015.
Aimed at technology professionals, businessmen, journalists, government representatives and sectoral entities, the event is free and places are limited.
Press Accreditation:
Tel: 11-3027-0212
ABES Software Conference 2016
September 15, 2016
From 8:30 am to 5:40 pm
WTC Events Center - Av. Das Nações Unidas, 12.551- Brooklin Novo - São Paulo - SP - 3rd Floor - Orange elevator - Ballroom 3 and 4
Limited places
On-site parking
• For registration and full schedule, visit:
• To follow the live broadcast of the event, visit: http: //
About ABES
ABES, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 1,600 associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for generating more than 120 thousand direct jobs and annual revenue US$ 20 billion per year.
The companies associated with ABES represent 86% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil and 33% of the total turnover of the IT sector, equivalent in 2015 to US$ 60 billion of sales of software, IT services and hardware.
Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.
ABES - Press contacts:
Twitter / Facebook / Youtube: S2publicom
PABX: (11) 3027-0200 / 3531-4950