

Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES, Francisco Camargo, president of the Council, Manoel dos Santos, Legal Director, and Thomaz Côrte Real, lawyer and consultant for the association, met with Federal Deputy Orlando Silva (PCdoB – SP) to talk about crucial points in the LGPD, among them: the definition of an incident and the removal of the authority's power to paralyze or intervene in the company, among other topics. The meeting took place on 05/06 in São Paulo. 

Delivered to parliamentarians on 04/25, the report by Orlando Silva - who was also the rapporteur of PL 4060/12 that gave rise to LGPD - is extensive: there are 94 pages, divided into six chapters. The first of them specifically deals with the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). He suggests that the entity's board of directors be reviewed in the Senate, that members serve a two-year term and can only be removed after a disciplinary process. The rapporteur also highlighted that 120 countries have legislation on the protection of personal data, and 80% of them also have an independent national authority, such as the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Japan, Argentina and Uruguay.
ABES associates can discuss the full scope, implementation and business impacts of the new law at the Data Protection Working Group, coordinated by Daniella Caverni Machado and Francisco Eduardo Espuny. More information about the GT with Carolina Marzano, e-mail:  

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