The expectation of the entity is that next year the IT sector will continue to grow, reaching the mark of 6% and ICT in 4%. At an event to close the year with businessmen, journalists and government representatives, the association elected Honorary Ambassadors from the IT sector
ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) enters the final stretch of the year with an overview of the achievements of the IT sector in 2017 and the prospects for the market in 2018. In a fraternization event with businessmen, journalists and government representatives, held last Monday (11), in São Paulo, the association, in partnership with the Brasil País Digital Movement, appointed Honorary Ambassadors who contributed to the development of the sector and the digital transformation of Brazil in 2017.
According to Francisco Camargo, president of ABES, one of the entity's permanent objectives is to achieve an environment of legal and tax security in Brazil. "In this sense, we made great strides in 2017 with the Labor Reform, with the Outsourcing Law and the standardization of ISS rates for IT services in the city of São Paulo", says the president.
Despite the legal advance with these actions, the sector also took some steps back with the intention of the States to institute, without a Constitutional basis, the ICMS taxation on the sale of software and with the attempt to put an end to a Structural Public Policy of very successful, which was the institution of the Social Security INSS on Gross Revenue.
Within the economic context, ABES sees 2017 as a positive and recovery year. "Brazil is signaling a consistent economic recovery and that we hope will last. The expectation is that the growth of the IT sector will close 2017 at 4% and ICT at 2%", comments Jorge Sukarie, chairman of the ABES board.
Outlook 2018
ABES 'economic projection for 2018 is also positive. "The expectation is that next year the IT sector will continue to grow, reaching the mark of 6% and ICT in 4%", says Sukarie.
Among the priorities of ABES for 2018 is the implementation of its compliance program, already underway, and the creation of a Fund for associates to defend the sector against the intention of States to tax the sale of software with ICMS.
In addition, the entity emphasizes the importance of channels of dialogue with the various sectors in Brazil, through its various Committees and events such as the ABES Software Conference.
For the entity, the rapid advancement of technology presents a great opportunity for the sector in 2018. "The trend is that disruptive technologies continue to grow exponentially and that many aspects of the economy depend more and more on software. This movement brings great challenges for the sector, but many opportunities as well ", comments Jorge Sukarie.
Honorary Ambassadors
During the event, in partnership with the Movimento Brasil País Digital, ABES appointed Honorary Ambassadors of 2017, who contributed to the development of the sector and the digital transformation of Brazil.
On the list of recipients are: Júlio Semeghini, Secretary of Government of the Municipality of São Paulo; Caio Megale, Finance Secretary of the Municipality of São Paulo; Bruno Ricardo Bioni, lawyer and researcher at NIC.BR; Maximiliano Martinhão, former Secretary of SEPIN and current President of Telebrás; Fábio Rua, Co-founder of the Brasil Pais Digital Movement and Board member of ABES; Andriei Guerrero Gutierrez, Co-founder of the Brasil Pais Digital Movement and Coordinator of the ABES Regulatory Committee; Luigi Nessa, Honorary President of CNS and President of SEPROSP; Manoel Antônio dos Santos, Legal Director of ABES; Anselmo Gentile, Executive Director of ABES; Murillo Laranjeira, Facebook's government relations manager; Marcelo Pagotti, Secretary of Information Technology at the Ministry of Planning, Development and Management; Daniel Annenberg, Secretary of Innovation and Technology of the city of São Paulo; Thiago Sombra, Professor at UnB, lawyer and specialist in Digital Transformation and Data Flow.
For ABES, the initiative recognizes the work of these professionals in favor of Legal Security, Digital Transformation in Brazil and the development of the technology sector. "This was a year of great progress for the market and, therefore, the Brazil Country Digital Movement, with the support of ABES, created the honorary Ambassadors award. We believe that the award reinforces the importance of the contribution of various agents to the development technological development in the country ", declares Francisco Camargo, president of ABES.
About the Brasil Pais Digital Movement
The Movement, created in 2016 by the ABES Regulatory Committee, to inform, in language accessible to the population, the transformations that the Brazilian economy is going through in this moment of Digital Transformation, with articles, reports and videos, discussing data flow, economics driven by data, dangers of the virtual world, among other subjects of interest, it has gained the support of other entities and today is a success, with more than 160 thousand followers on social media.
The movement's website is
About ABES
ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 2 thousand associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 200 thousand direct jobs and a turnover annual turnover of US$ 24 billion per year. The companies associated with ABES represent about 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil.
Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.