
The association held an event on December 3, in São Paulo, to honor those who contributed to Digital Transformation in Brazil and to present its new initiative, which aims to encourage its members to adopt the highest ethical standards in dealing with their subjects and create formal standards to implement them
On December 3, ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) held its traditional end-of-year gathering at Restaurante Vista, in São Paulo, which brought together businessmen, journalists and government representatives and paid tribute, in partnership with the Movimento Brasil, País Digital, those who contributed to the development of the sector and the digital transformation of Brazil in 2018. During the event, the program was launched AN ETHICAL COMPANY which aims to encourage associates to adopt the highest ethical standards when dealing with their issues and create formal rules to implement them.
During the opening ceremony, Ricardo Rivera, head of the BNDES 'Information and Communication Technology Department, confirmed that the bank will activate the BNDES 10 Program, Prosoft's successor, in the first quarter of 2019, which will allow companies to finance up to R$ 10 million within the new promotion line. Marcio Girão, Director of Planning and Innovation at FINEP, also participated in the ceremony and confirmed that the financier will launch, in December, a totally new line, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Brazilian companies through digital transformation, and that R$ 500 million will be made available for the next three years.
Still during the ceremony, Francisco Camargo, president of the association, announced the launch of the UMA EPRICA EMPRESA program.
Based on a survey carried out by ABES with its associates to assess the degree of maturity in relation to the integrity and compliance programs, the entity took the initiative to create the Uma ÉTICA EMPRESA program, which aims to encourage its associates to formally adopt the most high ethical standards in dealing with their affairs, internal or external; improve the standard of behavior in dealing with customers, suppliers, competitors, employees and government agents; and create formal rules to implement them.
This initiative is an offshoot of the Integrity Program implemented at ABES during 2018.
AN ETHICAL COMPANY is an initiative that aims to encourage members to adopt an Integrity Program that allows them to improve their ethical and moral standards, while at the same time mitigating the penalties of the Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12.846 / 2013).
In a first phase, the associates, in addition to having a call on questions from the entity's Compliance Officer and Legal to assist them in developing their own programs, will have at their disposal a new service, Complaints Channel, free of charge, as provided in the Decree no. 8,420 / 2015.
In a second phase, the development of Data Protection and Privacy Policies is foreseen, to allow companies to adapt to the new General Data Protection Law.
Program Services: Reporting Channel
The first service offered by the program is a whistleblowing channel, which may receive anonymous or non-public complaints, of interest to companies, that enroll in the program.
Any denunciation of events or activities that do not comply with the ethical and moral standards established by company norms or by the laws of the country may be registered on this Channel.
"Decree No. 8,420 / 2015 specifies that the existence of a whistleblowing channel, open and widely disseminated to employees and third parties, is one of the parameters for mitigating penalties, as long as within integrity programs, in this way, we decide launch this new service for ABES associates, which is proud to be one of the first entities to adapt to the Anti-Corruption rules in Brazil and to have developed its own integrity program ", explains Francisco Camargo, president of ABES.
The channel covers a wide range of subjects ranging from issues related to acts of corruption, fraud and accounting improprieties to moral and sexual harassment, among others. All complaints received are forwarded to the reported companies, which investigate the material and are responsible for the confidentiality of the information.
The Whistleblowing Channel for ABES Associates within the UMA ETHICA COMPANY program is in
During the event, in partnership with the Movimento Brasil País Digital, ABES were named the new Honorary Ambassadors of the Brasil País Digital Movement of 2018, in recognition of those who contributed to the development of the sector and the digital transformation of Brazil.
In the list of recipients are: Luis Felipe Salin Monteiro, CTIC Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, Antonio Goulart dos Reis, Federal Deputy, Laércio Cosentino, Chairman of TOTVS, Maurício Ruiz, INTEL CEO, Paula Bellizia, Microsoft CEO, Antonio Martins , CEO of IBM, Henrique Faulhaber, representative of the IT sector in the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, Ricardo Rivera, head of the Information and Communication Technology Department of BNDES, Otávio Viegas Caixeta, Director of the Department of Digital Ecosystems at MCTIC, Alexandre Leite, Federal Deputy, Airton Sandoval, Senator, Luiz Carlos Hauly, Federal Deputy, Miriam Wimmer, MCTIC Digital Policies Secretary, Marcelo Guarany, from the Civil House, Benito Paret, TI RIO President, Mara Gabrilli, Federal Deputy, Gilberto Kassab , Minister of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications and Vitor Lipi, Federal deputy.
About ABES
ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 2 thousand associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 200 thousand direct jobs and a turnover annual turnover of US$ 24 billion per year. The companies associated with ABES represent about 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil.
Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.

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