
The digitalization of the productive sector, despite its benefits, has brought significant risks, such as the increase in cyberattacks. Every year, the number of cyber attacks increases and cyber criminals become more and more professional. Experts estimate that every company will be attacked at some point, and it is only a question of “when” and not “if” the attacks will occur.

To face this reality, the ABES it's the Secretariat for the Brazil-Germany Digital Dialogue, with the support of associations from both countries, created the “Cybersecurity Primer for MSEs”. This guide aims to raise awareness of digital vulnerabilities among micro and small businesses (MSEs).

Inspired by the German publication “Cyber-Sicherheit für KMU”, developed by the German Office for Information Security (BSI), the booklet's main objective is to show in a simple and direct way how MSEs can prepare themselves against cyberattacks. ABES, with its expertise in the software sector, contributed to making the guide relevant and practical, meeting the specific needs of Brazilian companies.

Paulo Milliet Roque, president of ABES, emphasizes the importance of the guide: “Micro and small companies, unlike large corporations, lack specialized resources in information security, making them more vulnerable and in need of guidance to improve their systems and security policies. cybersecurity.”

To download the booklet, access this page.


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