
Partnership aims to promote the training and empowerment of people, encourage actions for the development of the digital economy and monitor, support and collaborate with the implementation of E-Digital

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies and Instituto Brasil Digital, a non-profit association that consolidates the social actions carried out by MicroPower over the last 23 years, signed an agreement for cooperation, dissemination and promotion of programs aligned with Innovation and Digital Transformation – like the Brazil Digital for All, which seeks to communicate and collaborate to create a digital country for the entire population, without leaving anyone behind, in a six-year perspective. 

The partnership consolidates a collaboration that began in 2015, when the entities prepared together the Brasil Digital Manifesto, which inspired and provoked the elaboration and publication of the first version of E-Digital (a document that suggests actions and public policies to stimulate the digitalization of processes and society in up to four years), as well as the publication of Decree 9,319, of 03/21/2018, which established the National System for Digital Transformation and established the governance structure for the implementation of the Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation . The entities' goal, with this agreement, is to promote the training and empowerment of people; stimulate actions for the development of the digital economy; monitor, support and collaborate with the implementation of E-Digital.

“Our idea is to participate actively, encouraging our associates to carry out actions in favor of people, and to consolidate in the HR Tech Platform all free training offers that are identified by the Regional Ecosystems, which are in full expansion. Our commitment will be to seek, always together with our partner, joint work strategies, especially with regard to the themes of Innovation and Digital Transformation”, declares Paulo Milliet Roque, president of ABES.

“ABES' contributions to the design and consolidation of Brazil Digital for All have been of inestimable value for the development of the rapidly evolving digital economy in Brazil and the world, and the launch of the RH Tech Platform, as highlighted by Paulo Milliet Roque, aims to train and empower People so that we can overcome the deficit by 2025 of more than 560,000 specialists in the application of enabling digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G and Quantum Computing, among others” Francisco Antonio Soeltl, president of Instituto Brasil Digital.

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