
The initiative aims to discuss public policies, knowledge dissemination actions, connection and promotion

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – in order to achieve its purpose of building a More Digital and Less Desigual Brazil, created a new Committee with the objective of fostering the development of startups. The first meeting took place on September 9th and was attended by Cassio Spina, founder of Anjos do Brasil, advisor on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and Corporate Venture/Inovação, and partner at Altivia Ventures (recently incorporated into ACE), and who will be the coordinator of the new WG, and the collaborators Dr. Eduardo Felipe Matias, partner at Nelm Advogados and Dr. Juliana Natrielli Ribeiro, Deputy Director of ABES and Head of Public Policy at Buser.

“I believe that we will only be able to achieve our greater goals when we join forces for a common good. And for me it is a pleasure to build this agenda with all associates and especially with ABES, which has been a partnership for many years,” says Spina.

The meeting is part of ABES' initiatives to discuss topics of national relevance with its members and aims to establish an important space for internal discussions. “Recently the World Economic Forum ranked Brazil as one of the 5 “startup hubs” to watch, along with Israel. This demonstrates the size of the opportunity we have. Our objective, through this committee, is to bring together specialists with the mission of ensuring a favorable business environment for startups, stimulating entrepreneurship and the attractiveness of investments. “, says Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES.

In addition, to help Startups, ABES has the Startup Intership Program, which, through partnerships with incubators, accelerators or investment funds, at no cost, aims to strengthen entrepreneurship and attract talent and investments to the technology sector. Brazilian. Lasting 6 months, the focus of the program is to help emerging companies, which use technology intensively and wish to operate or expand their activities in Brazil, to overcome the complexities present in the market, making more than 35 available to program participants. years of experience at ABES in the legal, regulatory, tax and marketing areas.

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