
Event marked signature of the declaration of support Digital Accessibility Seal


ABES was one of the supporting entities of the Seminar “New Paradigms in Digital Accessibility”, held by the São Paulo Municipal Department of Persons with Disabilities (SMPED) on June 19, at InovaBra Habitat, in São Paulo.
Jorge Sukarie, president of the ABES Council, represented the entity at the opening of the seminar, when the signing ceremony of the Institutional Support and Diffusion Declaration for the Digital Accessibility Seal, granted by SMPED, through the Permanent Commission on Accessibility - CPA Digital.
“Digital inclusion projects are increasingly gaining space in the market of software companies, which have been striving to use technologies in favor of people with disabilities. The Seminar was a unique opportunity to share experiences in this field and envision an increasingly inclusive future”, commented Sukarie.
The event also featured the presentation of the WSA Awards 2018, a global award with the aim of selecting and promoting the best and most innovative digital content in the world, valuing the relevance in relation to the context in which it was created, as well as the contribution to digital inclusion and accessibility, which has applications open until the 19th of December. August.


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