Event unites entities with the aim of raising awareness of the crime of software piracy

ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) supported FIRJAN (Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro) in the Global Action, an event that took place on May 18, 2013. Held by the Social Service of Industry (SESI) and Rede Globo, Ação Global had a campaign to combat piracy in four host cities for the World Cup: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife and Brasília. In these places, there were lectures and distribution of booklets that showed the harmful effects of consuming pirated products, in addition to raffles. ABES contributed by donating gifts and games to raffles.

The initiative is from the Regional Group to Combat Piracy, coordinated by the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan). In Rio de Janeiro, since 2007, actions to combat piracy have been carried out during the Global Action, an event held one day a year to provide free health, leisure and citizenship services to low-income communities.
“We aim to protect citizens from the crime of piracy through activities like this, in which we can make the population aware that this crime steals jobs in the country, reduces tax revenue, which would be reversed in benefits for society, and also encourages organized crime”, comments Jorge Sukarie, president of ABES.
Ação Global is a project of Rede Globo de Televisão, with a joint effort of public utility services and actions in the areas of Health, Education, Leisure and Culture. With a large volume of assistance to society, the event works as a thermometer of the needs of the Brazilian population and draws attention to the issue of the right to citizenship.

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