
Entity will promote IT development through innovation centers
With the objective of contributing to centers that foster entrepreneurship and innovation in the technological sector, ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) has just closed an agreement with the Itaipu Technological Park (PTI), which houses the Santos Dumont incubator. Created in 2003, the PTI has established itself as an innovative environment that encourages the development of technologies from Brazil and Paraguay, serving as an incubator for important projects.
Since 2013, ABES has invested in incubators that accelerate the development of Brazilian IT startups. The partnership with PTI follows this line, the entity believes that the union and integration with innovation and technology networks will strengthen the sector. In this way, ABES offers its partner a support network with national representation.
For the entity's president, Jorge Sukarie, this type of initiative brings benefits to the institute, to ABES and consequently to the technology sector as a whole. “PTI is a strong and representative park that has a lot to add as our partner. As a representative entity of the software sector in Brazil, we have sought to establish more and more partnerships with technology innovation centers in order to support and encourage technological development in our country”.
Gideão Matinc Claro, analyst of the PTI Business Development Program, also believes that the partnership will be beneficial for the sector as a whole. “ABES and PTI have several points in common, being two institutions recognized in their areas and with similar missions. Observing this, we formalized the agreement with the main objective of mutual cooperation between the two institutions in favor of the market and technology, innovation and communication companies”, comments Gideão.
With the agreement, companies that benefit from the support of the technological centers and also join ABES receive benefits such as the ABES Conecta! service, a business platform between the software companies linked to the entity, in addition to discounts for startups and a health.

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